Saturday, March 12, 2011

Jcpenney Coupons Salon Coupon

Photo Mozambique - Maputo -

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Samaire Armstrong Singing

Better without the hypocrisy 150th anniversary of Italy. Who really has the right to celebrate

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, almost fearfully celebrated, it is worth asking what, if anything there is to celebrate, and who has the right to do so. And, when you think you do a comparison between the current leadership (political and otherwise) and what a century and a half ago, led the unified process, one can not but be struck from the abyss that passes, in terms of breadth of views of conceptual rigor, the ability to look beyond the Alps, between the then and now.
For the first time in Italy had been gradually established a ruling class that was able to set a national policy, not national and not provincial, based on a revolutionary reformism traits, clearly placing the national question not only in terms of unification and independence, but also in terms of modernization, relations with Europe, and termination of cultural and political links with the ancien regime and society postfeudale. Because the process
Italian unit, agreed that today is reviled by the new trinariciuti prealpine neoborbonici from the South, and the nostalgia of Francis Joseph and Großdeutschland, was characterized only partially, and not essential as a phenomenon of territorial unification ( or to conquer, as some say today).
Prior to that, and its assumptions, it was a process of liberalization and modernization, without which no unification would have been possible if not as a dynastic or military annexation or federation in the form of theocratic and extended to the entire peninsula by Gioberti advocated: however, in terms that do not transform the structure postfeudali pre-unification Italy. Piedmont had opened the road to modernization in previous years the unit, credited as its cultural and political leadership, even before the military and dynastic: the state had begun to separate and balance the powers and to ensure that spaces of freedom and participation, economic reforms of Cavour, inspired by the empirical models of British liberalism had begun to modernize the agricultural world, the Siccardi laws (1850-51) e Rattazzi (1855) avevano abolito i privilegi della Chiesa come ordine separato; la legge Casati (1859-60) aveva introdotto il principio della Scuola pubblica di Stato e sottratta al monopolio eccclesiastico; l’esercito costituiva una forza militare capace di combattere e non solo di parate e di operazioni di polizia; l’uso appropriato ed oculato del denaro pubblico, non destinato unicamente alla rappresentanza dei fasti della Capitale consentiva un più equilibrato rapporto tra centro e periferia e la creazione di infrastrutture e vie di comunicazione avveniristiche (la ferrovia dei Giovi venne inaugurata nel 1854, ed i lavori del traforo del Frèjus iniziarono nel 1857). Nel giro di pochi anni vennero create le premesse culturali, policies and materials of a modern state, and we were able to cut ties with a tradition going back to the Counter.
And, last but not least, and even more significant fact, especially when viewed by Italians today, who see the logic of tribal politics and make their way into popular culture, the Parliament of Savoy, and was able to be already pre-unification National Parliament, seeing the number of admissions of refugees other states pre-unification of the peninsula.
Looking at this stage of our history, and seek treatment in relation to lead subsequent developments, it seems significant that the ruling class was formed around a few basic ideas, not all fully developed yet, but from which are derived in 150 anni successivi, tutte le manifestazioni di sviluppo economico e di progresso civile e sociale; ed il cui venir meno ha per contro improntato fasi e fenomeni di stagnazione ed arretramento. E si tratta di: concezione europea, etica pubblica, predominio della legge, Stato laico, visione unitaria e non provinciale delle questioni del Paese, istruzione pubblica e diffusione della conoscenza, estensione e generalizzazione progressiva, nonostante contrasti e resistenze, di diritti e libertà, lotta alle corporazioni ed ai privilegi. Indirizzi che poi, quasi cent’anni dopo, hanno trovato una più compiuta formulazione nella nostra Costituzione Repubblicana.
Osservando l’Italia di oggi, non possiamo non constatare come questa si sia deeply moved away from those basic ideas, and how the current leadership has nothing amplitude of views which marked the start of the process unit.
Today we are ruled by a majority that stands out and stands on barter between the interests of those who do not hesitate to distort the rule of law, law and the judiciary in trying to tame their impunity, and those who do not hesitate to deride and undermine territorial cohesion of the country trying to protect the interests of a party to the detriment of others. And, underlying these upheavals, there is a basic concept that conflicts with those guiding ideas: just remember that today are considered public ethics, the principle of separation of powers, the austerity of shapes and budgets, the secular concept of the state, public education, international relations and European construction and lived with discomfort enough.
No wonder then the anniversary of the 150 anniversary of the unification of the country appears to most of our leaders to be celebrated as a day without too much emphasis, too gruesome confrontation between Cavour and Papi green handkerchief, and too embarrassing confrontation between the openness of mind, quell'ampiezza of views, the ability to gain a European vision, and mental distress and provincial policies and politics of a committed anti-democratic nella propria autoriproduzione e nel servilismo nei confronti di un leader dedito prioritariamente alla tutela dei propri piaceri, dei propri interessi, della propria impunità, del proprio potere sovrano.
E non c’è da stupirsi se quei ministri leghisti che tolgono i finanziamenti ai malati di cancro per non far pagare le multe sulle quote latte agli allevatori disonesti dei loro collegi, e che impongono un simulacro di federalismo distruttivo come prezzo del loro sostegno, pur avendo giurato fedeltà alla Costituzione, non trovino nulla da festeggiare il 17 marzo.
E’ giusto che sia così, è giusto che questa gente si senta estranea o distante da questi festeggiamenti; non ne hanno il diritto: le loro parole assomiglierebbero troppo a quelle di Hitler in occasione dei funerali di Rommel. Quel che non è giusto, e che l’Italia onesta non merita, è di esser governata da gente simile.
Lasciamo allora che questa data sia celebrata da chi è coerente con il processo che ebbe avvio in quegli anni.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Diabetic Exchange Amounts

ACLI. Enrol for camps "Land and Freedom"

150 seats available for the project in Europe and Ipsia Brazil, Kenya and Mozambique
is already time to think about next summer. They are, in fact, call for entries for the fields of volunteering abroad Ipsia organized by the NGO ACLI, operating for over twenty years in the field of cooperation, development education and international volunteering. About 150 seats available for the project "Land and Freedom" , which includes areas of traditional animation, sports animation and labor camps in different locations in Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia, Brazil, Kenya and Mozambique.
Recipients of this proposal as "highly Courses "are mainly young people. The minimum age is 16 years in the fields of Europe, while the fields outside Europe will require at least 23 years of age. The camps last from two weeks to twenty days. Departures are scheduled in July and August. The costs are borne by volunteers. Entries close April 15 for destinations outside of Europe, June 15 for the fields in the Balkans.
project. "Land and Freedom" is a project born in 1998 in the recovery of trauma in children of the former Yugoslavia and has since expanded to other cities and other countries through new modes of action. The animation for children and young people from 8 to 16 years remains the main activity and serves to overcome language and cultural barriers and share moments of play, imagination and creativity with children often left to themselves.
The fields of sports entertainment are produced in conjunction with the U.S. ACLI and provide coaching and tournaments on disciplines such as basketball, volleyball, hockey, handball and football. The game sports tramettere become the key to universal values \u200b\u200bsuch as equality, fairness, cooperation. Ipsia also proposes areas of work-sharing, from agriculture with the Sem Terra in Brazil, processing of foodstuffs for sale to fair trade with cooperatives in Kenya Meru Herbs.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Acute Leukaemia More Condition_symptoms

"CTA for Africa Report

The history of "CTA for Africa" \u200b\u200b is accomplished, but the legend continues .

A historia do "CTA para Africa" \u200b\u200band " realizado, mas
Lend continues.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Menopause' More Condition_symptoms


Maputo, February 2011. It 'lasted less than a year of the campaign "CTA for Africa" \u200b\u200b for the collection of five per thousand for the purchase of an SUV to be donated to the school of vocational training "Estrela do Mar" Inhassoro in Mozambique. In March 2010, during the conference organized in Milan, was presented to the ACLI an outreach project, in April 2010 in Rome, Carroccio room in the Capitol, the President launched the National Campaign "CTA for Africa"; from April to June 2010 two jeeps made available from the Tata car, having run from north to south Italy to meet in the streets, and in institutional circles ACLI, people and institutions, the press and associations, to talk about Mozambique, solidarity and cooperation, thus implementing a magnificent experience of integration and membership giving value to the content of responsible tourism and solidarity. In February 2010, almost a year later, all defined with the Embassy of Mozambique, the delegation of the CTA, formed by the National President Pino Vitale, Vice Chairman Matthew Altavilla and President of the National Committee Philip Pugliese he left for the mission in Mozambique.
waiting for Maputo airport is Michele Lepore, responsible Ipsia of Vercelli and organizer of the whole operation. Tata is in the parking lot, new, bright-red and burgundy with stickers of the CTA, IPS and the ACLI visible and dominant. The jeep was purchased in Mozambique, thus avoiding all the red tape, and will be delivered to the school "Estrela do Mar" of Inhassoro: our final destination. Finally
in Africa, aboard the jeep. The enthusiasm is such that it produces a redundant mobile text message to friends in Italy: The CTA has arrived in Africa, we are the legend, Africa is the story. I wonder what reactions will take earnest Pollution! But, you know, is the son of enthusiasm generates excitement and pleasure.
Less exciting are the thirty-two degrees and the road to get to Maputo. The road is the very soul of a country in Africa as in India, Middle and Far East, it takes place on the meeting and exchange, trade, looking for something or someone, deception and spying The show or hide. The street is full of potholes in asphalt and red clay at the margins, crowded shacks of corrugated iron in the many colors of dilapidated shops which advertise many parts Honda, Nissan, Toyota, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Suzuki, building material, pottery and bathrooms, Coke, Vodacom, Colgate Palmolive and so you can imagine in a glamorous and eccentric uninterrupted naive: it is Mama Africa! The voice is that of illegal vendors, unauthorized, improvised, with many stalls pineapple, peanuts, mango, papaya, bananas, coconuts, potatoes, and so this generous land can give.
LHD, the traffic flows with Japanese cars and coaches to represent, taxi yellow-blacks, off of many NGOs operating in the country. As they approached the city center and administrative capital Maputo will show more: wide streets, surrounded by acacias and giacaranda, ordered shops, pubs and cafes. Via K. Marx, via F. Castro, Viale June 25, via Ho Ci Min, via Lenin, Mao Tze Dong street, street Cabral, via Lumumba: un gioco toponomastico che richiama la storia della lotta armata di liberazione del Fruente di Liberation del Mozambique di ispirazione marxista-leninista fino al congresso del 1989. Tuttora al governo del paese, grazie alla maggioranza parlamentare ottenuta in un sistema multipartitico, il FRELIMO presidia i quartieri della città con l'inconfondibile bandiera rossa e, per molta gente, le sue sezioni costituiscono un punto di riferimento e di partecipazione popolare. Maputo, un milione di abitanti, capitale della Repubblica Popolare del Mozambico (diciotto milioni di abitanti), sede di ministeri, di ambasciate e di organizzazioni non governative, ha larghi viali, un bellissimo lungomare, e larghe spiagge, un porto attivo, e una bella baia dove solcano "concave navi dalle vele nere".
Banche, hotel a tre a quattro a cinque stelle, ristoranti e birrerie, discoteche e musei, chiese e moschee, una fortezza e una cattedrale, teatro e cinema, università, campi di golf e di tennis, palestra e centro ippico. Insomma ha quanto occorre per fare di una città la capitale di un paese.
L'incontro con l'Ambasciatore d'Italia in Mozambico Dott. Carlo Lo Cascio è quanto di più cordiale e istruttivo possa esserci. Elegante, formale, squisito nella conversazione, ci riceve nel suo studio, ci informa dello stato del Paese e si informa della nostra missione. Conosce la scuola "Estrela do Mar" e ne condivide l'impostazione; apprezza ciò che le Acli hanno fatto e si congratula per la donazione del CTA. "In ambasciata si è sempre operativi - dice – per risolvere i problemi dei connazionali. E' costante il collegamento con la comunità dei 1500 italiani residenti e il rapporto con i nativi è basato su reciprocità e rispetto. Molto presenti le Organizzazioni non Governative, di diversa emanazione religiosa e laica, che assicurano un'apprezzata opera di sussidarietà. Il Mozambico - continua l'ambasciatore – è molto visitato dai sudafricani. Vengono nelle località più belle del paese, ma lasciano poco all'economia del posto perché si portano anche l'acqua. È soprattutto nel nord che sono numerosi i sudafricani".
In 1996 an agreement with N. Mandela allowed the establishment of thousands of African farmers of European origin. Decision much contrast, however, allowed to restore the ancient trade flows between Johannesburg and Maputo, to revive the local economy devastated by civil war that lasted 16 years and suffers from agriculture dismantled, with most mine-infested fields, impoverished by famine due to drought and floods, with livestock reduced to zero. Much of the country today is based on relations with the new South Africa: Airlines converge on Johannesburg, the electricity produced from Lake Cahora Bassa on the Zambezi, is sold to South Africa, the only existing road linking Maputo Cape Town, Pretoria is the only satellite station that radiates telecommunications, navigation part from Maputo to Cape Town to take the international shipping routes, to be the only train in Cape Town, South Africa go to the new migration. In short, there are many threads that bind South Africa and Mozambique is to be hoped that the rich South Africans do not consider Mozambique as its garden. Wildlife, pristine beaches, great lobsters, relative peace, good resorts, nature reserves and islands, coral reefs and abundant wildlife, are excellent tourist attractions, in the aftermath of civil war, are in full use, and recall many South African families.
The development of tourism there is described the meeting with the Directorate General of Tourism Ministerio do. To welcome you and Dr. Ana Paula Chaùque Chef de Departamento Tourism with the whole staff of technical experts and officials. Is presented to the Development Plan of the Tourism Sector that "identifies specific priorities and defines the quality and quantity of human resources: education, conservation, hotelera, administration, restoration of the key areas of tourism development." It is a strategic view of tourism based on natural attractions, environmental and cultural, now welcome more than four million tourists a year and are intended to stabilize by 2025, with national and regional public and private, with national and international investors.
solidarity with this global vision of the rational plan, we put on the table of the Directorate General of a social and sustainable tourism project to be implemented in Mozambique through our network of 112 regional offices in Italy and 35,000 members. The hotel facilities are equal to a demand for quality, air links with the tourist attractions are efficient, parks and nature reserves Ngorongosa Bazaruto and attractions are of value, the beaches are very beautiful, the hospitality and welcoming well-maintained, the food is great for the fish, the seasons are feasible. Single gap are the road conditions and limited opportunity for coaches and Italian speaking guides.
interest, and not recently, officials of the Ministry of the CTA project because for them, accustomed to an individual tourism, this is the first experience of group tourism.
An experiment to be carried out in a good resort Inhanbane managed by local people, using local services and opportunities to interact with the locals, so as to contribute to the local economy, who makes trips to Bazaruto Archipelago, at the Park of Ngorongosa, the Cahora Bassa dam. So much interest that the Director-General stands ready to organize an educational CTA operators to be implemented in ways and times to be agreed, and to promote exchange and twinning initiatives. Ideas and opportunities to take home and put into the project to follow up to the expectations aroused each other. Meanwhile, the wider availability remain the attention received by the delegation.
Mozambique receives us, Africa is welcoming us.
welcomes us with a sky spotted with clouds above the distant short bursts of time, which opens in sudden bursts of hot sun, so it is not clear whether the serve colorful umbrellas to shelter from rain or sun. But in Africa the trees are umbrellas, large and fluffy. The end of season Africa rain makes green and lush, unusual for those who have always imagined dry and sunburnt. Extensive plantations of coconut palms take us to the great plains of the Limpopo River, the spirit of place here gives us one of the beautiful African sunset when the sun lingers with its rays in leaving the land which, in turn, seems to hold dressing warm colors in a palette that breaks from red to pink to burgundy to rust, yellow and orange. What a land! Fredric Amiel in his diary saying "Any landscape is a state of mind." He was right, the mood here is one that opens the humanity of this earth. You see when it is night, beyond the edges of the road, collect in glades and clearings, with huts without electricity or water, where images from four families squeezed into the dark walls and smoke with a wretched dinner cooked with charcoal. Still see the day when walking by the roadside, out of a straw hut or sheet that is hidden behind a row of banana and palm trees, climb rough tarmac and take a walk. You see even in school children with school uniform, shirt, skirt or trousers, socks pulled on black shoes. You see women with baskets, bundles of twigs or the bucket on his head. They come and go, come and go. Africa is as follows: "a continent on the move, which gives the overwhelming sense of purpose, even if it is di uno scopo elementare: raggiungere un pozzo, una scuola, un mercato" (Pietro Veronesi). Dove va l'Africa, cosa vogliono raggiungere il Mozambico, la Tanzania, lo Zimbabwe, lo Zambia, il Sudafrica e tutti gli altri paesi dell'Africa australe? Vogliono raggiungere la loro identità costruendo con l'autodeterminazione la loro storia. Occorre tempo, noi abbiamo costruito la nostra identità in 150 anni, loro l'hanno raggiunta da soli trent'anni. Diamo tempo, senza dimenticare che proprio da queste parti, nelle gole dell' Olduvai in Tanzania, l'uomo si incamminò 1.300.000 anni fa per le vie del mondo. Diamo una mano a costruire conoscenza, competenza, professionalità, in modo che i resort, gli alberghi, le banche, il mercato, le comunicazioni, gli aeroporti, le infrastrutture, e quant'altro fa ricchezza sia regolato e gestito dalla loro capacità.
Questo è il vero obbiettivo al quale vogliono contribuire le Acli con la scuola "Estrela do Mar" di Inhassoro cui è stato consegnato il fuoristrada. Escola Industrial e Commercial, 27 aule e laboratori, mensa, aule docenti e uffici, campo sportivo; docenti e amministrativi del posto. Corsi di carpenteria, falegnameria, elettricista, modista, meccanica, informatica, cucina e bar, ricevimento, contabilità. Corsi triennali, iscrizione gratuita al primo anno, 50 meticais al mese (1,16 euro al mese) al secondo anno, e 100 meticais il third year (or € 2:32 per month). It comes with a qualification to be spent in the top-level job market for a salary above the minimum monthly wage of $ 80. Students are 600 male and female, all in uniform - so imposing the Ministry dell'Educacao - here is green pants, yellow shirt and green tie.
born instant empathy with these guys when, like a large yellow-green stain that spreads are in the school yard to greet us. It takes balls brought the school to stimulate their desire to soccer throughout South Africa. The only thing missing some vuvuzela. Just sing the reason for Minnie the Moocher by Cab Calloway singing "Hidehidehidehi (hidehide hidehi) Hodehodehodeho (Hodehodehodeho) "to hear their echoes in the innate ability of rhythm. Here Africa is new, is new! Is in the hands of these children in their learning in their eyes looking at the future, in their walk reach the well, the knowledge, the market.
Mission accomplished. But Mozambique still retains some charm. We walk back along the road to Villanculo, that if the city wants to have more tourism with the Italians should change its name. But there you are. The way of going is the same - the only one - but if you try to imagine it in black and white before your eyes seem to slide photographs of Sebastiao Salgado great that, strictly black and white, photographed the humanity of Mozambique during the civil war of the seventies. Casa Real at the resort on the sea, you see a beautiful moonlight that seems an oil on canvas ... and lobsters have all the flavor of the Indian Ocean. When day is done, we discover the charm of the wide, white beach that stretches along the coastline long, full of vegetation, with sparse boats, consumed by the effort of fishermen, are draped on the side and left there to wait for the tide alive floating face again. Here and there carpets of shells and coral shimmer in the sun and give iridescent pearl-old stories that reverberate with African and Indian Ocean. They said that a route from here slave to the slaves who came from the inner areas, capture, and were boarded on ships rounding the Cape of Good Hope, went to North and Central America. They remember well that today, somewhere in the Mediterranean, similar boats are used for a new human commerce. On the beach come to mind Stevenson, Melville, Homer, D'Annunzio, Moravia Walking in African writing "the bay is very wide, with the white beach, palm trees, green and ocean blue bends down to the far horizon , tapering gradually into a single line filmy and indistinct. Where the sky seems to be confused with the sea, the silhouette of a remote ship, perhaps an oil tanker, is suspended in the morning light. Non c'è nessuno a perdita d'occhio; la solitudine si accorda meravigliosamente con la calma del mare; tutto il paesaggio pare stupito di esserci, come se fosse il primo giorno della creazione". Si riferiva Moravia a una spiaggia del Gabon, ma sembrano pennellate in Mozambico.
Da una spiaggia del tropico del capricorno passiamo alle lanterne cinesi! Ma non siamo in Cina, restiamo sempre a Villanculo. All'aeroporto appare, tra due grandi lanterne rosse, scritto in portoghese e ribadito con vistosi ideogrammi cinesi, il tabellone di ingresso "Aeropuerto Civil de Villanculo". Stuttura modernissima in metallo e vetro, in fase di ultimazione, ad opera di tecnici cinesi. Lungo il viale di ingresso trattoristi cinesi per gli ultimi sterramenti, elettricisti Chinese for the latest attacks, Chinese laborers for the finishing touches on the walls, each surrounded by two or three African workers who take orders from the Chinese to clean, hoes, move the ladder. The scene speaks for itself, is to be hoped that the new bosses have arrived. Comes to mind the analysis of F. Grappling on the sinicization of the Dark Continent where he describes the penetration of China in Africa: "Chinese hands stretch Africa .. Beijing grabs strategic access to oil, mineral resources and metal-bearing .. wins ... it is on the hunt of vast agricultural estates to be purchased in Africa to transform them into barns exclusive reserved for the Chinese people ... They are the largest manufacturers of infrastructure. " Just like the airport Villanculo and deforestation of Mozambique Northern entrusted to Chinese enterprises.
To the west is a challenge with China to find investment projects competitive, rather than soothe the conscience with a bit 'donations to the Community, for Africa is the best time to take advantage of this vision with competition between foreign investors, relying on its economy, reforms and the protection of rights, rather than rely on foreign aid.
leave Mozambique to return soon, with the operators of the CTA and with a responsible tourism initiative, let Africa's lush green, who knows rainbow of hope and not the Africa of Hemingway's "le Snows of Kilimanjaro "that smacks of colonialism and safari.

Sail Boat Sails Diagram

5 per thousand. Under starters for 2011

Here are the dates to register for this year's edition.
For non-profit organization, the deadline is May 7
start with. The final go-ahead will be March 15, 2011. From that moment Subscriptions are open to 5 per thousand. I had anticipated, and many had already known. For quats'anno, deadlines and how to subscribe to 5 per thousand are in fact the same as 'last year. Government and Revenue Agency has decided to "copy" the circular DPCM and already published in early 2010 and make them effective for 2011 substantially changed the dates.
For dpcm directions STABILITY were contained in the Act, stating precisely that they would adopt the same mode of 2010. As for the agency, here is the online circular 9 / E (available in Annex).
Here you can check all the information needed for registration and submission of subsequent documentation. The following summarizes the dates for registration teelmatica edition 2011.
bodies of voluntary
Registration electronically by May 7, 2011
Enter substitute declaration by June 30, 2011
Ri scientific research and university
registration electronically by April 30 2011
Enter substitute declaration by June 30, 2011
Health Research
Registration electronically by April 30, 2011 (no sending substitute statement)
amateur sports associations
registration electronically by May 7, 2011
Enter substitute statement by June 30, 2011

Religious Thank You Quotes

Conference: Agriculture and Immigration

Mini Pocket Bikes On Sale

TOURISM. What does the social boom

Increase the Italians who booked the holiday through the social circuit and Associated Cral business, parishes, religious organizations, schools, cultural clubs and sports and the City of residence. In 2010 they spent 1 billion and approximately € 171 million, equal to 1, 9% of total consumption due to tourism during the year. And contrary to what one might think, social tourism and associated segment is not the exclusive prerogative of the Senior, but embraces visitors of all ages and social class. The
reveals a survey conducted by the National Institute of Tourist Research in collaboration with the Permanent Observatory of Social and Associate Tourism Exchange, a representative sample of Italian population of 5,250 individuals. The report, now in its third edition, reveals the identikit of a vacationer that relies on the circuit and its associated social, highly developed and ramified throughout nazionale, tale da generare più di 2,1 milioni di vacanze, pari al 2,2% del totale delle vacanze degli italiani. All’interno di questo circuito un ruolo decisivo viene svolto dalle scuole (27,5%), dai circoli e dalle associazioni culturali (17,8%) e dalle organizzazioni religiose (17,4%). La spesa media per soggiorno si aggira sui 553 euro.
L’identikit del vacanziere italiano che prenota tramite il turismo sociale e associato è quello di un turista mediamente giovane che nel 43,8% ha una età compresa fra i 15 e i 34 anni e solo nel 7,5% dei casi supera i 65 anni. In particolare la quota dei giovani cresce per le vacanze all’estero, evidenziando una maggiore percentuale di studenti (24.2%) compared to holidays in Italy. Ein hold a training medium-high (school leavers, graduates and 53.2%, 31.8%), it is mostly 'full of vacationers in employment (56.9%) and less than one out of five are housewives or retired. The predominant school activities leads the segment "Junior" to rise as the main target of this form of tourism generates some 439 000 holiday, followed by young people aged 25 to 34 years. The latter, however, not only for schools (131,000 holidays) pass for religious organizations (117,000 holidays) and parishes (90,000 deals). The company's primary interface with tourists Cral age average (115,000 holidays), while the clubs and cultural associations reveal a character of greater cross-fertilization, harvesting of holiday bookings for tourists of all ages with a greater propensity for well over 64 representing 52.7%. The clubs and sports associations, while providing lower rates, have as main target the young (15-24 years) with 22 000 rental and middle-aged (45-54 years) with 19 000 rentals. The municipalities of residence, finally, are characterized by an increased focus on specific segments of demand, primarily for young people (15-24 years) with 49 000 rentals.
, the study also obtained information on accommodation facilities. In 2010, ad esempio, è stato stimato che le strutture che hanno collaborato con la rete del turismo sociale e associato siano state poco meno di 4.600, pari al 6,1% del totale, in calo del 3,2% rispetto al 2009. Rispetto allo scorso anno, si rileva anche una diversa diffusione sul territorio nazionale. Se, infatti, negli anni passati, le buone prassi di turismo sociale e associato risultavano particolarmente diffuse nel Centro Italia, nel Sud e nelle Isole, quest'anno sono le imprese del Nord Ovest ad essere maggiormente inserite in questo giro. Uno sguardo alla tipologia dice che le case per le ferie (15,9%) e gli ostelli per la gioventù (13,4%) si confermano le strutture ricettive che piu' stringono rapporti commerciali all'interno circuit of associations, followed by hotels (8.9%) of upper-middle class (15.3% and 13.9% 4-star 5-star) and the tourist-hotel residences (12.6%). Shortly involved are revealed, however, the farm holidays (2.8%) and B & B (2.7%). To make use of more first-class hotels and resorts are sports associations, cultural and business cral; the holiday homes are more related to the parishes and religious organizations and, finally, the youth hostels' are more the preserve of sports associations cultural and schools. Destinations

Another significant concerns destinations. The Italians booked through the circuit of social tourism and associated spend 63.1% of their holidays in destinations of our country, while 36.9% go abroad. The schools, in particular, carry the biggest share of holiday abroad (50.2%), followed by the municipalities (43.2%) and religious organizations (39.5%). In this case the countries are in the order favorites Spain, France and Germany. The cral and business circles / associations contribute, conversely, the more domestic tourism.

Black Death Symptoms In Order

Seminar "Social responsibility and sustainable tourism in the relationship between enterprises and PA

"Social responsibility and sustainable tourism in the relationship between business and
Public Administration", this the theme of the seminar sponsored by the Ministry of Economic Development - Directorate General of Industrial Policy and Competitiveness - Italy and the NCP (National Contact Point for the dissemination of OECD guidelines) and organized by C. Borgomeo & Co, the NCP was responsible for the implementation of educational seminars in the South, and enjoys the patronage of the Regione Campania - Department of Tourism.
The work will be Monday, March 7, 2011, beginning at 10 am at the Palace gunsmiths, in Via Marina in Naples.
from the OECD guidelines for business implications for the region and for development policies, this is the issue that will be addressed during the seminar che si compone di due sessioni, la prima dedicata alle relazioni di esperti ed addetti ai lavori attraverso la proposizione di testimonianze, e la seconda che utilizzerà la modalità della tavola rotonda.
Le Linee Guida Ocse sono raccomandazioni, rivolte dai Governi alle imprese nazionali operanti all'estero o multinazionali, che enunciano principi volontari per il comportamento di responsabilità sociale. In tal senso costituiscono uno strumento per le imprese per rafforzare la fiducia nel contesto territoriale in cui operano e per favorire il loro contributo allo sviluppo economico e sociale ed alla sostenibilità ambientale. E' da questo spunto che prende avvio l'iniziativa promossa dalla C.Borgomeo&Co. Obiettivo del seminario, infatti, is to illustrate the principles of the OECD Guidelines verifying its effectiveness in the context of regional production reality, with special reference to small and medium enterprises.
The seminar is a prerequisite to enter into discussions with key stakeholders and to anticipate possible hypothesis of cooperation between the Ministry of Economic Development and the Region of Campania on the theme of sustainable tourism. The Region of Campania, in fact, as a strong tourist area, is being equipped for a legal instrument through which to promote the protection of the environment seen as the natural, social, artistic and cultural. For
start work Ilva Pizzorno, Coordinator AG13 Tourism and Cultural Heritage - Region Campania. Follow the intervention of Joseph Avallone, C. Borgomeo & Co partner, on "corporate social responsibility and the implications for local government."
Following the testimony of Joseph Carannante, Program Coordinator AG09, Plans and Programs - Region Campania, Paul Cefarelli, Public Investment Evaluation Unit - Region Campania, Mario Grassia, Head of accommodations and tourist facilities - the Campania Region of Francescantonio D'Orilia, MIDA Foundation - Museums Integrated Environment, Fabio Grassi, Mayor of Tufo (AV), Stefano Pisani, Vice Mayor of Pollica - Acciaroli (Sa).
Seguirà l'intervento di Carlo Borgomeo, Presidente di C.Borgomeo&Co sul tema "La responsabilità sociale d'impresa e il turismo sostenibile: il ruolo della P.A. e delle forze sociali".
A partire dalle ore 12.15 la tavola rotonda sul tema "P.A. e forze sociali a confronto". L'introduzione sarà affidata a Maurizio Maddaloni, Presidente della Camera di Commercio di Napoli. Seguiranno gli interventi di Sabino Aquino, Presidente Parco Regionale del Partenio, di Sabino Basso, Presidente Associazione Industriali Avellino, di Lorenzo Cinque, Presidente Federturismo Campania, di Ettore Cucari, Presidente Fiavet Campania e Basilicata, di Nino Daniele, Presidente Anci Campania, di Agostino Di Lorenzo, Presidente Ente Metropolitan Park Hills Naples, Costanzo Iaccarino, President and Vice President Federalberghi Campania national, Ermando Mennella, President Federalberghi Ischia, Pasquale Orlando Regional Secretary ACLI, Pino Vitale, National President of CTA
Closure of the work is carried out Giuseppe De Mita, Vice President of the Regional Government of Campania and Councillor with responsibility for Tourism and Cultural Heritage.
The work will be moderated by Paola Casavola, Expert on Development Policies and Cohesion.

Sample Film Treatments

Seminar" Social responsibility and sustainable tourism in the relationship between enterprises and PA "


March 7, 2011 (10:00 to 14:00 hours)
Hall gunsmiths, gunsmiths Palace - Via Marina 19 / C, Naples
10.00-10.15 Opening Session - Ilva Pizzorno, AGC 13 Coordinator Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the Region Campania
10.15 to 10.45 The corporate social responsibility and the implications for local government.
Giuseppe Avallone - Partner Borgomeo C. & Co. Testimonials from 10.45 to 12.00

Marina Rinaldi - Manager of Sector Plans and Programs ordinary and extraordinary interventions
Paul Cefarelli - Public Investment Evaluation Unit
Mario Grassia Campania Region - Manager Sector and Infrastructure Tourist Accommodation Campania
Francescantonio D'Orilia - Integrated Environmental Foundation MIDA Museums
Fabio Grassi - Mayor of Tufo
Stephen Pisani - Vice Mayor of Pollica Acciaroli
12:00 to 12:15 The corporate social responsibility and sustainable tourism: the role of the PA and the social
Carlo Borgomeo - Chairman C. Borgomeo & Co.
12.15-13.30 Round Table - "PA and social forces in comparison".
Introduction by Maurizio Maddaloni - President of the Naples Chamber of Commerce
Sabino Aquino - President of the Regional Park of feverfew
Sabino Low - Chairman of the Industrial Association Avellino
Lorenzo Cinque - President Hector Cucari
Federturismo Campania - Campania and Basilicata
FIAVET President Nino Daniele - ANCI President Campania
Agostino Di Lorenzo - President Board of Metropolitan Park Hills
Costanzo Iaccarino in Naples - Campania Federalberghi President and National Vice President
Ermando Mennella - President Federalberghi Ischia
Pasquale Orlando - Regional Secretary ACLI
Pino Vitale - National President of CTA
13.30 -14.00 Closing remarks - Giuseppe De Mita, Vice President and Head of Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the Region Campania
Moderator: Paola Casavola - Expert in Development and Cohesion Policies