Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sample Lease Letter To Landlord

150 anni di Unità d’Italia. Da Quarto il 5 maggio partono Garibaldi e i Mille

History teaches? Yes, but only the clever, and if you read the books. The dumb bells of the various leagues of North and South, in whose cultural level and education are born every day tasty cartoons, because like all the stupid harm others but also themselves, do not know that the Mille Garibaldi who runs away from Genoa Fourth were much smarter and infinitely more cultured them. Mazzini were almost all idealistic and intellectual Republicans. Among the thousand, there were almost 800 "Po" (translated: Northern Italian), many of them in Milan, Bergamo and Brescia, and as many as 100 doctors and chemists, 50 engineers, 150 lawyers, 500 Craft and traders. There were 71 in Sicily. And it was precisely the Sicilian Crispi, on behalf of fellow patriots who had already risen against the dull Bourbons, to pray Garibaldi to free Sicily hate tyrant.
Today we celebrate the anniversary of a century and a half after starting adventurous - May 5, 1860 - the rock Genoa Quarto, the expedition of the Thousand led by Giuseppe Garibaldi. It was really the event of our solver Risorgimento, it led, even beyond the expectations of the moderates against the wait, the much-desired unity of Italy. The general shape of the irregular
Nice, one of the most beautiful and powerful of our nineteenth century, alongside that of Cavour, lucid and decisive political strategist, is one that would be enough to draw on their own time. The Mille
, liberal idealists who came from all over Italy and even from different countries of Europe, they were young, inexperienced and poorly equipped. Embarked on two steamships, Piedmont and Lombardy, secretly provided by the Kingdom of Sardinia, and arrived at Marsala to begin the conquest of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. They were discreetly supported by the British navy. The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
disintegrated on the first bump in Calatafimi, although a regular army tens of times larger, much better equipped and trained. But weak because corroded by corruption and authoritarianism of the Bourbon obtuse, without the consent of a people kept ignorant, outraged by injustice, extortionists from the privileges of local vassals (sottopotere an anarchist bands based on private and will lead to the Mafia).
The declaration of the Unity of Italy occurred in March 1861. In fact in 2011 will end on cycle of memorial that has just opened, under the title "Places of Memory". And what a memory! Never Italy,
had, after the ancient Rome, more glories.
With the laying of a wreath, carried by two cuirassiers the foot of the commemorative stele departure from Genova Quarto dei Mille - press reports on its website - President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano has started the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy. The President of the Republic accompanied by the Minister of Defence visited the monument in front of thousand to watch the actions of the mayor of Genoa and the Minister for Cultural Heritage. At the end, on the terrace below the monument has visited the area to house the stele inscribed with the names of the thousands of partisans.
Then the President gave the starting signal for the Genoa-crossing celebration Marsala recalls that the Thousand. Take part in the race two boats crewed by well-known sailors including Pelaschier Mauro and Francesco De Angelis. They will arrive at Marsala on May 11 after touching Talamone and Porto Santo Stefano, as at the time the ships carrying the Garibaldi. Subsequently, the presidential cortege arrived at the Stazione Marittima, where the head of state has moved on the flight deck of the vessel Garibaldi and accompanied by Minister of Defense and the heads of the Armed Forces has reviewed a detachment deployed with flag and band. After visiting an exhibition of historical artifacts has signed the roll of honor on the Garibaldi.

We like this ex-communist President paradoxically reminiscent of the great liberal President Luigi Einaudi. He recommended on this occasion to find harmony and the spirit of unity, and has rightly criticized the political exploitation vulgar anti-unification and anti-Risorgimento. But most of all - he said - we must "encourage ourselves to have a little 'more than national pride." Which moreover is also central to reconstruct ("Italy is made, now we must make Italians"), our image abroad, an image that the stupid claims of the Northern League and neo-Bourbons of the South contribute to lower self-defeating in a way, with disastrous results even at the commercial level. But, you know, intelligence and good sense are not typical of these groups, which otherwise would not have taken positions so obtuse, denied by a great history cominciare da quella meridionalistica, tutta fatta di grandi intellettuali meridionali.
Come controprova, basta vedere il diverso piglio di francesi, inglesi e tedeschi, Nazioni non diversamente travagliate e divise storicamente dell'Italia, ma con borghesie molto più colte e intellettualmente meno provinciali.
Del resto, l'Italia già è piccola e poco influente nell'economia globalizzata dove contano solo i grandi numeri e gli Stati forti. E' una piccola provincia dell'Europa, che comincia a sua volta ad essere poca cosa rispetto ai giganti Stati Uniti e Cina. Suddividerla ancora in regioni o macro-regioni, tornare indietro nel tempo, sarebbe folle: saremmo tutti più deboli. E solo pensare che Veneto o Sicilia, Lombardia o Campania, can alone compete in international markets and also in consideration of foreign policy is ridiculous. But the provincials this subcultural League North and South, with a lot of pathetic and neoasburgici neoborbonici, I do not ever understand. To understand you must have studied history, and how they speak or write in the South and the North it soon becomes clear that their main problem is ignorance.