Sunday, April 25, 2010

Leighfrom Xtrem Curvs

Ipazia, prima martire della libertà di scienza, e i delitti del fanatismo cristiano

"When the Taliban were Christians" is called a bell ' article Silvia Ronchey on Press, rightly points out that the early Christians were actually the extremists. Bishop Cyril, later St. by the Church, which is murder, literally cut to pieces by his fanatical monks, stupid and criminal as only certain monks can be, the great astronomer, mathematics and pagan philosopher Hypatia, a true genius of knowledge. Speaks of this movie Agora. which was shown at Cannes a year ago now (May 2009). But even in Italy and the United States was not a distributor willing to displease the ecclesiastical hierarchy, given that history, and is the true story reveals the violence of Christians, Muslims and non of the usual. One excessive zeal and naïve and clumsy, why is not boycotting a film that manages to hide one of the blackest pages in the history of Christianity. E 'was even signed an appeal to intellectuals to request the release of the film in Italy. However, a humiliating way if we think that we are not in the Middle Ages, as argued by the Church, but in 2010, even in our country can now see the movie. The review has Livio Ghersi.
Agora, directed by Alejandro Amenabar, the film is well made and intelligent. It is not just a story, a loose but credible reconstruction of real events, but bears a lesson. E 'further proof of fault determined by the fanaticism religious is a further warning to be on guard against religion transformed into an instrument of government in society. The theocracy is always rejected, even when the power is exercised by a bishop in the name of Jesus Christ.
Jesus crucified St. Peter crucify you with the head turned down because, even in death, does not want to be equated with his master, against whom you feel unworthy, Sao Paulo that he too suffered martyrdom. How was it possible, then, that after just three hundred years the "Christian", made strong by the fact that the emperor of Rome professed their own faith, to claim, with the systematic use of intimidation and violence, which does not was more allowed to publicly support any religious, or philosophical, as opposed to their faith?
With the theocracy is made a totalitarian social system. In Egypt, in the city of Alexandria, in the year 415 AD, was murdered in gruesome ways, by Christian fanatics, the "virgin" Hypatia .
In the first volume of his "History of philosophical and scientific thought" Ludovico Geymonat wrote that Hypatia was part of the Neo-Platonic school of Alexandria, was the daughter of the mathematician Theon of Alexandria, was a scholar of philosophy and mathematics and was murdered by "a crowd of Christian fanatics "(see Garzanti edition, 1970, p. 334).
When the bishop Theophilus was succeeded by Cyril (370-444 AD), the Church of Alexandria expressed unreserved its hegemonic will be against the pagans, that is, the worshipers of the ancient gods, whether in respect of the substantial and deep-rooted Jewish community. The pagan Hypatia
annoyed because, for its prestige as a teacher, had a public role. The defendants could not be licentious customs, being a nun of the corresponding secular: all voted for the wisdom and love for science.
In the film imagines the bishop Cyril as he reads the first letter of Paul to Timothy. This is one of the three pastoral letters, the apostle, in prison in Rome, wrote to Timothy in Ephesus and Titus in Crete to give them instructions and tips on how to govern the local churches. The passage of interest here, quoting in full, is as follows: "In the same way women do, by wearing decent attire: adorn themselves second modesty and moderation, not with braids and gold ornaments or pearls or costly array; but with good deeds, as befits women who profess piety. Let the woman learn in silence with perfect submission, not a woman to teach or to dominate man, but (want) to be in silence. For In fact Adam was formed first, then Eve "(1 Tim 2: 9-13).
Seeing the violence, the reconstruction film, make dei monaci fanatici, detti "parabolani", si avverte subito proprio la nostalgia delle parole di Gesù: "Io invece vi dico: amate i vostri nemici e pregate per quelli che vi perseguitano" (Mt, 5, 44-46). "Rimetti la tua spada al suo posto, poiché tutti quelli che mettono mano alla spada, di spada periranno" (Mt, 26, 52-54).
Nella vicenda di Ipazia si colgono, quindi, due elementi. Il primo è la possibilità di una lettura strumentale delle Sacre Scritture, nel perseguimento di meschini obiettivi politici. Tanto strumentale che la lettera delle Scritture finisce per essere in stridente contrasto con il complessivo spirito ispiratore del messaggio cristiano. Il secondo è il radicamento, nel Cristianesimo, di una view that relegates women to a subordinate and submissive. Although this view is confirmed by passages of the Old Testament and, as regards the New Testament, in the thoughts of some apostles (not words directly referring to Jesus), one can reasonably argue that in this case the scriptures reflect their mentality of the past and, therefore, of course destined to be overcome in the historical development. Keep it as if it were a timeless truth, amounts to a serious error.
Similarly, there must be a reason if the drawings of the building was expected to vary between men and women and has been provided for the need of sexual union between belonging to different sexes for the perpetuation of the species. Without women, humanity will become extinct, this simple consideration comes at least equal status with men. Moreover, Christianity has exalted the role of motherhood in the cult of the Madonna. If the Old Testament forth Eve from Adam's rib, the New Testament brings out the Son of God by a woman, Mary: "Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus," reads a prayer familiar to most people.
From the story of Hypatia drew many topics is fighting religious fanaticism, like Voltaire, who both profess themselves free thinkers, the conclusions arrived more radical and materialistic, as the Irish philosopher John Toland (1670-1722). Today the same story can be used as another starting polemic against the Catholic Church.
are still immune from any anti-Christian reading of the film Agora those who, following a long tradition of thought, meaning inside the Church itself, are convinced that the spirit of Christianity commands to love our neighbor, not usargli violence that truth of the Christian faith are claimed by the witness of the conduct charged, but they can not be imposed.
Modernity has made a gift to the Catholic Church, freeing them from responsibility and burdens the exercise of temporal power, and allowing it to better characterized as a reference point spiritual. In the dialectic with the powers that be, the Church can make its best by appealing to the individual conscience, stating the reasons for the dignity of the human person, of acceptance of others, charity, peace. This is his role.
The temporal and spiritual distinction is fundamental to the concept of the secular state. That respects all religious faiths, as well as all philosophical with a comprehensive view of the human world (in German, Weltanschauung ); this respect is reflected in the freedom of worship and is substantiated by the fact that the laws applied in a manner equal to all persons subject alla sovranità dello Stato, indipendentemente dalle fedi che professano, o non professano. I precetti religiosi valgono per i fedeli ed hanno l'autorevolezza che loro stessi gli conferiscono, osservandoli spontaneamente; le leggi obbligano tutti. Le autorità dello Stato laico hanno il dovere di impedire che i cittadini possano subire prevaricazioni o violenze per il fatto di non conformarsi alle prescrizioni della religione seguita dalla maggioranza della popolazione. In altri termini, è la tutela delle minoranze ciò che caratterizza un ordinamento improntato a princìpi liberal-democratici.
Un pensatore liberale italiano, Benedetto Croce, è ricordato come "filosofo dei distinti" per aver sostenuto che non ci può essere un criterio unico per giudicare i diversi ambiti di attività in cui si svolge lo spirito umano. Così il giudizio estetico, il ragionare del bello, è indipendente da considerazioni utilitaristiche, dal giudizio morale, da valutazioni politiche. Il giudicare del vero, che si utilizza per valutare la coerenza logica del pensiero, non è subordinato a secondi fini. La ricerca dell'utile, ossia del proprio vantaggio individuale, ricerca tipica nei campi dell'economia e della politica, si misura in relazione all'idoneità dell'azione a conseguire il suo obiettivo. Questa ricerca indirizza gran parte dei comportamenti pratici, ma non li esaurisce. Infatti, in contraddizione con la valutazione del proprio utile particolare, si possono pure porre in essere different behavior, inspired by moral judgments, that aspiration towards good, pursuing altruistic goals. Instead
religious fanaticism and totalitarian: it wants to reduce all the spiritual activity criteria for judging that his faith inspired him, as his brain, more or less gifted, and its culture, more or less coarse, interpret the same faith. That could bring more people with high spirit to completely different opinions.
A religious fanatic is not qualified to judge the science of Galileo for his heretical scientist is only the fact of not faithfully repeat old ideas, but supported by the authority of tradition. Repression della libera ricerca è repressione dello spirito umano. E' un peccato contro lo spirito. Questo il peccato commesso da chi spense l'intelligenza e la vita di una bella persona, quale fu Ipazia.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Go Kart Frames For Sale In Ontraio

Chiesa. Se si scopre che la religione cattolica è in mano ai maniaci sessuali

- Ah, se la gente sapesse quello che c’è nei conventi e nelle Case Generalizie! (suor "Elisabetta", polacca di Roma).
- Attraverso qualche fessura il fumo di Satana è entrato nella Chiesa
(papa Montini, Paolo VI).

AND 'THE WORST REACTION TO CRITICISM OR ACTION THAT? I struggled to make it clear to my friend, I'll call "Sister Elizabeth", the Italians, who always had the Church at home, have also acquired the related antibodies, and they know everything for centuries. And they also Decameron of Boccaccio and the catholic Sonnets Belli who have illuminated the contrast between virtue overt and secret vices. (And by the way, to them, the Sonnets, and perhaps even to vices, we have recently devoted a blog ).
not only my friends sister, but the Church itself, are well aware that a priest, a nun, by the mere fact of being devout, non sono certo più "buoni", più onesti e soprattutto meno maliziosi degli altri uomini. Ma ora forse si sta esagerando. Eppure, sorpresa a nascondere malamente le sue colpe, la Chiesa non si pente totalmente, come pretende dagli altri, ma prima di tutto e con una certa arroganza accusa i suoi accusatori:
"I nemici di sempre del cattolicesimo, ovvero massoni ed ebrei, e l'intreccio tra di loro a volte é poco facile da capire… ritengo che sia maggiormente... un attacco sionista, vista la potenza e la raffinatezza, loro non vogliono la Chiesa, ne sono nemici naturali. In fondo, storicamente parlando, i giudei sono deicidi". (mons. Giacomo Babini, vescovo emerito di Grosseto, 9 aprile 2010). E ancora: "Bisogna chiaramente perseguire i casi di pedofilia, ma bisogna avere rispetto del peccatore. Non denuncerei alla polizia un prete accusato" (mons. Michele De Rosa, membro Commissione Cei per l'ecumenismo e il dialogo, 3 aprile 2010). Begli esempi di Cattolicesimo.
"Proprio adesso?", si lamentò col commissario di Polizia il ladro che stava cominciando a godersi il gruzzolo trafugato. Già, perché "proprio adesso?". Come mai "solo ora" quei miscredenti anti-cattolici si accorgono dei crimini o dell'attaccamento pedofilo di molti preti verso i bambini? "Chi c’è dietro questo attacco alla Chiesa cattolica?". La Chiesa ha 2000 anni ed "è strano che negli ultimi mesi sia saltata fuori" l'omosessualità diffusa tra i preti e la tendenza alla violenza psicologica e fisica verso i minori, così come un tempo si denunciava quella verso le donne. A parte i soliti ebrei e massoni, non sarà forse "per guadagnare soldi in risarcimenti"?
Ecco una breve raccolta di frasi che – di rado ingenue, e solo quando a parlare è la gente comune, ignara di storia della Chiesa, di diritto, di principi morali, di tutto – esprimono un grave e irreparabile cinismo di fondo.
Non è vero, innanzitutto, che la pedofilia e le violenze sessuali verso parrocchiani, seminaristi o estranei alla comunità, siano cosa nuova. Questa psicopatologia diffusa, queste deviazioni gravi del comportamento sessuale dei sacerdoti cattolici, questa violenza verso i deboli, the "simple souls" to mold, what are the applicant, continuous, ancient, ancient indeed, in the history of the Catholic religion.
and religious are not, should not be, "ordinary people" because they are seen by the people Catholic or not Catholic, because of their great charisma, as men and women reliable moral educators of youth, or at least capable of giving an example to others.
Therefore, it is useless, even suspect when applied to members of the priestly caste, the usual old story on the Catholic particular benefit to offer the "sinner" because Jesus would have been nothing less than respect to the sinful Mary Magdalene to the wise and honest Pharisees. Which, in fact, was due of a deep gulf of misunderstanding between Judaism and Christianity, because it leads to injustice. No, the lack of Catholic priests (only because most religious Catholics were involved in these crimes or serious misconduct) are not judged as those of the normal population, as the saying goes ignobly Church, displaying a cynical neutrality statistics. The sins of the Church, we say, are worth at least 10 times more.
If it turns out, in fact, that in terms of crime and deviance, or psychotic behavior, priests, friars, nuns of the Catholic Church were just "average" of the population, this would still be a weak point serious, that would tell people and even to neutral observers, "But then, what are the priests, the Church, the Curia, the Vatican, the Catholic religion, with all that cost us in money and limiting the freedom? We agree. And they are not philosophy, if with them or without them, things remain the same, they go, which melt. " Possible that the Catholic leaders do not understand this syllogism?
must repeat, for the usual home of Isernia which sees only the television, or for the usual retiree who does not read newspapers with complaints from within the ecclesial community itself, that is, from the Catholic people, sometimes backed by a priest or bishop fortunately for firm moral and principled, there have always been. And in recent decades, as they also believe Catholics have felt freer to speak out and denounce, are obviously increased. And even the police and judges all over the world have stopped the fear reverentialis evidently in the few cases reported to Caesar, because God was late to effect, blocking the investigation. And all the Popes have been made aware. And all more or less hypocritically, have silenced the complaints, worrying over the Church's good name and good repute or salvation of the individual priest of psychological and physical violence suffered by thousands of children and the tragedy of so many Catholic families. That was in addition to liberal honesty, the lowest sensitivity setting that probably existed between the people on this type of crime only a few decades ago. Do not forget the analogy with the rapes of women, often kept secret for shame misunderstanding by the victim.
But we live today, and today you have to be strict, very strict, very strict with the priests and the Church that has you covered, or they have not been punished in an exemplary manner with which an ordinary man who had spotted the same crimes . Because of these crimes. And now because child abuse is considered a revolting crime.
"The Church is wounded and sinful," he admitted having lunch with Pope Benedict XVI cardinals present in Rome. Well, but why not have him admitted immediately, also inform the cardinals and bishops to avoid saying nonsense? We agree with anyone in the Church, the Pope down, fight the hypocritical policy of "two weights and two measures" conducive to the investigation even after the facts, admit the sins of priests pedophiles or rapists, punish them severely in a good use of canon law, and promise to report them also lay before the magistrates. But rather than condemn those who crack down on crimes so outrageous, among other things, too belatedly admitted, condemns those who blame has reported. Intolerable injustice.
INEFFABILI "SUPERIORI": IL CARD. LAW INSEGUITO DALLA LEGGE. Davanti al tribunale americano, nonostante documenti compromettenti, fece scena muta, a base di " non ricordo ". Ed era il lontano 2002, quando non si era ancora scatenato quello che secondo la Chiesa cattolica sarebbe un "complotto" massonico-anticattolico-anticlericale-illuminista-capitalista-liberale-ateista-ebraico" (e gaysta-lesbista, no?). Negli Stati Uniti rischiava davvero il carcere il card. Law, malgrado il nome. Sembra poi che si sia rifugiato in Italia, presso il Vaticano. Quasi un asilo giudiziario. Un po’ come un tempo (cfr Manzoni) i ricercati dalla giustizia si rifugiavano in convento o in chiesa. Ma anche se came out from the Vatican, do not worry, this state clerical and anti-liberal (Left or Right is the same) based on the usual privilege of the powerful, not hurt one hair. Gone are the days of Cavour and Siccardi. And then they complain if any protest is hard to calculate the moral outrage? Some Jews, in fact, have protested the inappropriate conversation with the two rabbis had card. Law, writes in his controversial Gherushi92 site. Law? Quiet, to avoid misunderstanding is not the "law", true, but an imitation. That of the jungle.
LA "media storm." In contrast to are saying cardinals, bishops, priests, simple, and even commentators lay Catholic journalists, the media campaign and the scandal of pedophile priests that derived from it are by no means a bad thing, the result of some kind of "conspiracy" of the enemies of Catholicism, but are playing a positive role, clarifying, cathartic, because pushing more and more victims and perpetrators to find the courage to terminate or confess. And we did not own the church had taught him that "expedient ut eveniant scandal"? It 's what he admitted in a dramatic declaration, the Bishop of Bruges (Belgium), who has just resigned asking forgiveness to all. E 'was precisely the "media storm" on pedophiles to hit him emotionally and convinced the dramatic step. And Pope Benedict XVI has accepted the resignation at once: a sign of new times. Due to complaints of newspapers and TV. Anglo-Saxons, of course , because if it was for the Italians ... Be commended also note the severe (and the measures that follow) in which Ratzinger and the church finally denounce , after a thorough investigation, sexual abuse and other "crimes" of the late founder of the Legionaries of Christ, again in 2004, however, was received and praised by Pope John Paul II.
The media pressure has another positive effect: sta dividendo i dirigenti della Chiesa spingendo i più coraggiosi a venire allo scoperto, come ha fatto il cardinale di Vienna, allievo e amico di papa Ratzinger, che ha accusato l'ex segretario di Stato, Sodano, di aver insabbiato lo scandalo scoppiato in Austria.
I DOCUMENTI INDISPENSABILI PER SAPERE I FATTI. Innanzitutto due pagine molto documentate su " pedofilia " e " pedofilia e Chiesa cattolica ", poi la voce di Wikipedia con un'estrema sintesi del rapporto John Jay, infine, il official website of the John Jay Report (commissioned by the Catholic Bishops Conference of the United States), a great and complex statistical and sociological work, full of graphs and tables, to which we refer to everyone now, and therefore is the basis for each question or item. Although it stops at 2004, which is a study of Catholic and American, and in part due to, among many things said (and everyone who prefers to choose the percentage) 81% of victims were male, 22% below 10 years, 6.11% even up to 7 years, 72% had less than 14 years, 51 between 11 and 14%, 27% between 15 and 17 years. The figures speak for themselves: the victims are minors, all age da 1 a 17. Si comincia purtroppo con 4 casi di lattanti fino ad 1 anno, e il fatto che costituiscano solo lo 0,04% del totale non li rende meno gravi. Si veda la tabella 4.3.2 . Ma poi ci sono sicuramente molti altri delitti del genere fuori dello studio di Jay, cioè dopo il 2004.
ARTICOLI DI GIORNALI, SITI E COMMENTI. Basta scrivere priest e pedophile, o parole simili, su Google, basta andare su Wikipedia, e si apre un mondo di siti stranieri, soprattutto americani (molti dei quali di comunità cattoliche o religiose, quindi attendibili). Sono stati loro a denunciare, perché sapevano, non i perfidi mangiapreti. We can add something in Italian, but it is only a necessarily inadequate and random collection of facts, opinions, comments and documents among thousands. From a site is obtained a full view of the horizon on the scandal. The author has calculated that a priest has a risk of child abuse 50 times higher than an ordinary citizen. The percentage of Catholic priests involved - he says - is much higher than what they say. In Brazil, p. es., child abuse is involved in about 10% of the priests. Then it goes from moderate article commentator Sergio Romano on "because the Catholic Church in Italy and is now challenged in the World" the bishop - rara avis - who resigned in Ireland, the prelates American Catholics disappointed by the encounter with the card. Bertone, to 'charge the New York Times current Pope of covering up child abuse, to the involvement of previous popes, Paul VI, for example, aware of the scandals of California , and finally, to ' analysis tough, ruthless, but documented, involving the whole of Catholicism, citing reports and papal documents, to Gerushi92: "Guilty without penalty, victims without justice." But it could be mentioned in the global debate thousands of other views and positions more or less focused, more or less comprehensive or objectionable.
THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN CRISIS OF CREDIBILITY '. The impression, given the duration of the phenomenon, now chronic, that is just the beginning of a scandal affecting the Church hierarchy and the risk of damaging the credibility of the Catholic religion. For what would happen if it turns out that its core activities in this religion is in the hands of sexual predators?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tex Capacity Exceeded, Sorry

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