Sunday, September 19, 2010

Funny Thing To Write In Wedding Card

Door "Pia", indeed. From that passage now entering the clergy, with left and right

"The UAR, Italian association of atheists and agnostics, argues that today the Church will go to Canossa. It will be the state to go to Canossa just like he did with Henry IV. Cardinal Bertone will be a Porta Pia the Head of State and remember the breach with which the shooters entered Rome in order to make capital of the new State of Savoy, but liberal. The UAR compares the presence of Merkel's Bertone that in Normandy, as the recognition of a defeat and commitment to the values \u200b\u200bof the winners. I can not share the optimism of this interpretation of the EU. In fact, if it is true that the breach of Porta Pia recorded the defeat of the Church's temporal power, this has not lessened its grip on the Italian population, and in 1929 he returned to be a state. In 1984, the renewal of the Lateran Pacts increased the power of the Church on Italy, who confirmed the nature of the Concordat was sovereign and not a specialty recognized by the Church reiterated article 7 and 8 of the Constitution. Over the last twenty years by the governments of the center-left and center-right than those presided over by Berlusconi the Vatican has been sensational privileges. Receives funding from all the government starting with the proceeds from the state and eight per thousand calculated fraudulent finance its expansion plans and creation of enclaves in the Catholic world as those of East Timor, Sudan, Rwanda, which have caused millions of deaths. The Catholic religion is the only state in the world that is. An absolute monarchy that unifies the three Pontiff in the legislative, executive and judiciary, which has never recognized the Declaration of Human Rights. A rich monarchy of unlimited resources and financed by laws that fail to make the contribution as the almost automatic deduction and other German workers.
As with the Italian law Gelmini reduced by about two hundred thousand teachers
the public school religion teachers appointed and controlled by the bishops are growing in number and are now about twenty-six thousand. The Italian Parliament is strictly controlled by the Church. A cardinal has set the direction of all matters of civil rights such as artificial insemination, abortion, homosexual unions, contraception ...
Three characters in the history of Italy contributed to the triumph of the Church and its reconquest of what was his temporal power now extended to the whole nation: Mussolini, Craxi and Berlusconi. While the Church was not at all grateful to Craxi and dropped at the first opportunity, his relationship with Berlusconi and the Italian right has been organic over the last twenty years. Cardinal Ruini was the architect of a power that is not only religious influence, of moral persuasion, but rich in concrete and tax liens. The breach of Porta Pia
allows the eruption and spread of clericalism in the Italian State. Clericalism which was held at bay by great Catholic lay people such as De Gasperi and almost the entire leadership of the DC who defended secular state much more than they did the communists. Just yesterday the addition of center-left Pesaro has earmarked one million euro to the private school as evidence of a shift is altering the sectarian connotations
constitutional state. We no longer have men like Spadolini and Catholic historians of great depth and intelligence Carlo Arturo Iemolo as secular. The story of the cross is evidence of a humiliating unconditional surrender of the State whose independence and freedom has been defended by a few enlightened people like the judge Luigi Tosti, however, that they paid a very hard person and their faith in the liberal state that wanted to Cavour: "Free Church in the Free State." The politicians of today are the fifth columns of ideology Sanfedists helpful: just think about the fact that it is permitted by law of conscientious objection of doctors hospital on abortion, a legal infamy that makes life difficult and even dangerous for women as we have seen in the recent case of abortion in a toilet at the Policlinico di Messina. Tomorrow we will then
the plastic representation of the defeat of the secular state with the presence of Cardinal Bertone and President Napolitano. The Mayor of Rome has recognized the predominantly Catholic in Rome as the capital and have no doubt that Napolitano, during his speech, he will explain how exciting and beautiful to share the values \u200b\u200bCatholics who, needless to say, even if we do not share, there are imposed by law.
It is no coincidence that this triumph, this reversal of the course of history, takes place during the rule of right-wing ideology. No coincidence that Ratzinger has minimized the damage moral and social insecurity in perfect harmony with the law Trent: "The permanent position does not bring happiness, better believe in God" and the Observer Romano appoggia l'avventura coloniale contro i popoli che hanno la disgrazia di abitare luoghi con giacimenti petroliferi.
In perfetta sintonia con la demagogia della riconciliazione che mette partigiani e fascisti di Salò sullo stesso piano, domani si ricorderanno i soldati papalini con i bersaglieri morti. Bipartisan sarà il ricordo che li unirà in un evento storico violentato nei suoi contenuti, svuotato come si vuole svuotare la resistenza italiana e la lotta di liberazione.