Friday, December 25, 2009

Malabsorption Causes More Condition_symptoms

Today, the birthplace of the goddess of Syria, but also to Cybele, Tammuz, Asteroth, Jesus, etc..

" Christian Europe "? Rather, Roman and pagan. Think about it: the whole Mediterranean area already politically unified and administratively by the Romans, already the largest global culture greek-Etruscan-Roman 1000 years before the alleged cultural unification between Latin and Germanic culture of the Middle Ages, of which the Church has wrongfully.
Just consider today's date, December 25, 2009 AD, Friday, holidays cristiana del Natale di Gesù Cristo (ammesso e non concesso che sia esistito come personaggio unico, perché - strano - nessuno storico contemporaneo ne parla ). Ebbene, non solo i Romani ma lo stesso ebreo Gesù - extracomunitario o civis romanus che fosse - l’avrebbero descritta in versione amministrativa pagana , com'era d'uso al tempo nel "villaggio globale romano", più o meno così: die VIII ante Kalendas Ianuarias [ ad VIII Kal Ian], Veneris die, MMDCCLXII aUc . Ab Urbe condita, cioè 2762 dalla fondazione di Roma.
E anche questa data è arbitrary and symbolic . Suffice it to say that there is the hand of the historian is very little scientific Terentius Varro, etymologist "bar" (I meant to thermopolium ), where he was able to support between the irony of contemporary that posterity lucus (wood) is derived from luciendo not, that is a place where there is no light, and urn from urine. Archaeologists and historians now believe that the various pagus (villages) that gave rise to a confederation or union with Rome were already present on the seven hills around 1000 or 900 BC.
However it would be more correct to speak of natale di Gesù (Joshua) e non di "Cristo" , che era solo un appellativo ("l’Unto"). Però si è imposto il nome sbagliato "Cristianesimo" sul più naturale "Gesuismo". Una delle mille incongruenze, imprecisioni e confusioni della nascita di questa religione.
Anzi, diamo direttamente la parola a Marcus Prometheus, pseudonimo che sulla pagina di No God di Giulio Cesare Vallocchia passa in rassegna tutte le divinità che sarebbero nate o venivano celebrate il 25 dicembre e dintorni. Una data molto affollata nel mondo pagano.
"Origini pagane" del Cristianesimo? Di sicuro, c'è di mezzo la grande festività pagana religioso-orgiastica dei Saturnali , a cui il popolo era ormai abituato e che conveniva utilitaristicamente conglobare se si voleva che il nuovo culto avesse successo. Non per caso la nascita di Gesù che era fissata in origine al 6 gennaio (Epifania) fu anticipata alla fine di dicembre, in modo da occupare il target già esistente, posticipando la componente edonistica e trasgressiva al Carnevale. Furbissimi, roba da bizantinismi d'una Curia moderna.
Che si trattasse accettaziione of realistic cynicism of power, however, as the sharp Vallocchia comments on his blog, of a true "theft" of historical holidays and gods of others, the fact is that not only current, but also the first priests in terms of popular psychology management agreement knew what they were doing. (NV)
CHRISTMAS PARTY syncretistic
Year 7 forward was the vernacular (or 6, 5, 4 BC) according to the modern Christian historians is the year when Christ was born, if it existed historically (what commissioning doubt more and more 'by others, given the lack of evidence contemporary). Year 1 AD: is the date of the first Christmas of Jesus' second calendaring the creator of the dating of the years from the year of conception and birth of Christ, now adopted by nearly all non-Islamic world. He was Dionysus Exiguus monaco the sixth century, a resident of Scytia minor, or the current Dobrudja, the coastal region of Romania on the Black Sea coast according to its date, there is no year zero, but only a year before and a year later).
Our age is dated as "AD" by Christian believers and the indifferent, but most Christians do not call attention "was vulgar." The previous era rather than "BC" can be called "before the Common Era (or even before our era)
The ancient Romans celebrated the joyous December 25 Dies Natalis , ie birthday of Bacchus, the Invincible Sun, Mithras and other of the sun. The Christians of the first four centuries, however, celebrated the birth of Jesus (later became their God), the January 6 . Only several centuries later (between 337 and 450 AD), to supplant those of the solar festivals, the Christians moved to December 25 also the birth of their God to appropriate the meaning of the much older native of the policy that was Christmas solstice and the return of the light of the December 25, the birth of Dionysus-Bacchus, the invincible sun, Helios, Mithras.
Who does not recognize itself in the Christian tradition, therefore not feel out of place during the Christmas , but also celebrate with family and friends and the entire Italian community and Western celebrations of the return of light, recognizing them as their own, such as secular or pagan, with all rights of priority over the appropriation Cristan. assert secular party as the return of longer days of light, good reason to celebrate.
And in the face to Christians who raise the flag of traditionalism, claim the real native Roman traditions prior to their and their distorted.
And even the 'Christmas tree not originally have anything Christian! The tradition of celebrating trees were typically pagan and harshly condemned by the Bible already [I did not know, but it was condemned by the Church until 40 years ago remember it very well, Ed]. The fir then (ex-Roman) is a Nordic tradition, made his usual late by Christians, and besides, more recently, "laicizzatasi" almost entirely in general understanding. Lay people react to
religious rhetoric but not estranged from their own community ', but proudly claiming its roots in tolerance and freedom of thought of the times "pagans."
If we consider (as do even the neo-pagans) that paganism was not a religion but a tolerant attitude towards all modes of thinking and all the traditions, we have no difficulty in preserving our secularism while recovering fully folklore of joyful our deepest roots .
On 25 December, the day of the rebirth of light, according to the Ancients [us moderns differ by little, the solstice d'inverno quest’anno è capitato il 21 dicembre, in altri anni è il 22, NdR ], era comunque una data importante nell’Antichità, legata a Miti e riti primordiali. Fatto sta che il periodo della rinascita della luce, giorno più giorno meno, ha dato il natale a molti Dei, dei quali Gesù è stato solo l’ultimo . Passiamoli in rassegna:
1. Dionisio o Bacco o Libero, dio del vino della gioia e delle orgie di Grecia e Roma. Moltissime sono le similitudini fra i misteri di Dionisio (conosciuto da 13 secoli prima di Cristo) ed il "mito cristiano": Dioniso (uomo che divenne dio), era venerato come "dio liberatore" (Death) because once dead descended into hell, but after a few days back on Earth . It is this ability of resurrection offered its followers the hope of an afterlife through his divine intervention. Also to be admitted to the Dionysian cult was necessary to be baptized introduced to the temple and subjected to strict fasting. Another similarity between the cult of Dionysus and that of Jesus is much later in the ritual that involved the ' omofagia (consumption of flesh and blood of an animal , identified with Dionysus himself) as a sign of mystical union with the His body and His blood. Dionysus was also closely connected with the life cycles of nature which were tied to the concept of resurrection (spring) and death (fall) just as a manifestation of death and resurrection of the god. Even the symbols of Dionysus: the vine, pomegranate perfectly match the ram (screw and pomegranate) or approximately (Ram - lamb) to the symbols given by Christians to Jesus'. Robert Graves wrote in Greek Myths: "... Dionysus, also known as" the one who is born twice "once said his cult throughout the world, ascended to heaven and now sits at the right hand of Zeus as one of the Big Twelve. " In addition to Dionysus among those born at the winter solstice, there are also;
2. Hercules (Eracles born on 21/12 for the Greeks, but the 1 / 2 to the Romans)
3. Sol Invictus indigete god that is among the deities of the Roman origins more 'old, received more cycles of civilization that is far away' from the Indo-European tradition, then identified with the sun god Mithra and also with the Syrian Elio Gabal
4. Elio Gabal (or El Gabal) which became a high priest of the same name (bad) emperor for a short time.
5. Mithras, born in a cave (da una roccia), sotto gli occhi di pastori che lo adorarono, culto dei militari di Roma e quindi diffuso in tutti gli angoli dell'impero dalle legioni, (e diverso dal numero 6 Mithra di Persia)
6. Mithra di Persia, nato da una vergine morto e risorto (sembra dopo tre giorni) , e diverso ancora dal num. 7
7. Mitra indiano, dio della luce e del giorno.
8. Adone (o Adonis) di Siria, e forse anche il suo corrispondente di Frigia,
9. Attys ( nato da una vergine, morto a titolo di sacrificio, e che inoltre risorge the 25 / 3 at even date, as well as the meaning of the rebirth of vegetation, with the period of Easter) and besides
10. Atargatis in Syria, a great mother goddess, goddess of nature and its rebirth, also called the Roman goddess Derketo and Syria. His feast day is on December 25, almost with certainty as the date of birth.
11. Kybele (or Cybele) goddess of Phrygia, beloved Adonis. December 25th was celebrated along with Adonis, but that this was considered the birth date in this case is uncertain, it is only alleged.
12. Astarte (or Asteroth) Phoenicia, supreme goddess, nonché dea della fecondità e dell'amore. Venerata anche dal re Salomone a Gerusalemme (la sua festa risulta al 25 Dicembre, quasi con certezza come data di nascita). Anche essa scese agli inferi e risorse .
13. Shamash il dio solare babilonese e Shamash del Vicino Oriente, e
14. Dumuzi (detto Tammuz a Babilonia) il dio sumero Dumuzi (detto Tammuz a Babilonia) la cui morte periodica rituale (corrispondente a quella di Adonis) era pianta anche alle donne ebree (Ezechiele VIII,14).
15. Baal-Marduk, dio supremo del pantheon Babilonese.
16. Osiride dio supremo Egyptian death and rebirth of vegetation, and by extension the rebirth of man. The resurrection is the central theme of the myth of the Egyptian Trinity of Osiris, Isis and Horus from which it looks like it was taken the inspiration for later resurrection famous in Jewish circles. Even with winter Osiris dies and is reborn in spring.
17. Horus, the solar falcon god, son of Osiris and Isis, which was a popular triad (along with many other triads of the immensely popular throughout the Mediterranean) was inspired by the unofficial Christian trinity of God the Father, Mary and baby Jesus ', and the grouping Journal trinity of ' , which excludes the feminine. His birth was celebrated on December 26
18. Ra, the sun god Helios in Egyptian correspondent, whose birth was celebrated Dec. 29 in the city of Heliopolis temple dedicated to him in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Cairo.
19. Krishna, (currently the most important god in India) that initially appears in the sacred text as Mahabarata reincarnated by the god Vishnu father as a heroic man or god, and finally reveals himself as God. He had come to regain the world from demons. (Have you noticed any parallels?). Finally Krisna dies killed (by an arrow, not on the cross), but, rest assured, reborn, too. Among other things he as Santa Claus brings gifts in the middle of the night!
20 Scing Shin-China
Within the European North of births to the solstice are two
21. Baldur, and
22. Freyr the son of Odin in Scandinavia,
23. Joshua Ben Joseph (aka Jesus, baby Jesus, the Nazarene [or Nazarite], Galileo, Christ = anointed one, Messiah, Savior), which comes last in a series of good gods of the Mediterranean area Eastern and Indo-Iranian.
. But some
Zarathustra also join the list on Media and the Indian Buddha
Within pre Colombian American Center include:
24. Bacab god of the Mayas of Yucatan (Mexico, Guatemala and current South East), and besides
25. Huitzilopochtli and
26. Quetzocatl, both Aztec of central Mexico.
How many coincidences! not only Jesus but many other heroes, demigods and descended into hell e da lì' fecero ritorno: in totale sono sei fra quelli elencati come nati verso il solstizio d'inverno Dioniso, Adone, Attis, Tammuz, Baal-Marduk, Osiride. Poi separatamente ne contiamo almeno altri 10 fra quelli nati in altri periodi o di cui non si conosce la data: Teseo, Orfeo, Enea, Zagreo, Sabazio, Apollonio di Tiana, Chuchulain, Gwydion, Amathaon, Ogier danese, ma la lista è certo incompleta di molti altri personaggi antecedenti o contemporanei a Gesù Cristo.
Alcuni di questi 26 dei sono morti attorno all'equinozio di primavera (che è il periodo della Pasqua) e risorti dopo qualche giorno , a volte proprio dopo 3 giorni , come per Gesù (ma il dio Baldur, forse più pigro, è risorto dopo quaranta giorni). Ad alcuni di questi dei, (sembra una mezza dozzina, la maggior parte di quelli orientali dal 6. al 15.) è stata attribuita dai seguaci la nascita da una vergine (così come è attribuita una nascita da una vergine anche il non-dio Buddha. Anche Buddha, come Gesù, è stato deificato dai seguaci in aperto contrasto col suo insegnamento che non giustificava niente di simile".

Monday, December 21, 2009

Haemorrhage More Condition_symptoms

Greetings from Nadotti w & m

Nadotti w & m wishes you Merry Christmas and happy new year.
It reminds you that the offices will be closed from 12/24/2009 to 10/01/2010
Happy Holidays

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Building A Wooden Swing Set

Ideal for the Church infallible fine clothes and the woman who makes children without sex

"Imbacuccato dentro stoffe preziose che ne sottolineano il narcisismo acutissimo and the desire to flaunt his 'divinity' means special garments worn only by him, the Pope yesterday crossed the English Steps on a huge Persian carpet, and surrounded and flattered by a court of clergy and lay people, celebrated the Rite of Immaculate Conception by Pius IX in 1854 invented. A Pope
this with a spirit that divided Catholics from the History of isolating Italy until 1929, when Mussolini's dictatorship conveniences to them "Sdogati" by signing a deal that still oppresses us, embodied the concept of a pope-king, ordered to the gallows to run at full speed against the patriots who were allowed to set up the short-lived but dangerous Roman Republic whose constitution is still a source of hatred for the Vendee, and wanted to immortalize the imposition of dogma.
We know that the Popes have the power to create saints and the highest place in the hierarchy of Heaven and also to create dogma to believe the improbable and the unbelievable: the birth of a divine being from a woman who remains a virgin forever or their own infallibility.
But the dogma of the Church is the worst thing he could do against women. E 'criminalization of motherhood "normal" since this is a result of love and carnal intercourse with a man, while exalting virginity, preserving the integrity of the female sex organ as the ideal condition and parameter of every virtue .
How will never evolve Catholicism and Christian find his way, indicated by true men of faith such as Martini and Tettamanzi, until it is harnessed in a conception which makes the Pope a sort of Pharaoh who never makes mistakes and that should be obeyed without never doubt? "
Peter Ancona