Sunday, November 22, 2009

Wording Congratulations On Your New Baby

clerical state, corrupt state. The Church also eight per thousand for the State

Where are the many" secularists "of Menga, which in theory should be the overwhelming majority even in clerical Italy? How is that even among friends redicali none collect signatures, fast, drinking urine or binds to a column, for a gross deception that? Maybe because it touches the untouchable Catholic Church, that all lords equal dressed in red violet struggling with dogmas and supernal, instead of the Vatican administration, ruled by the same gentlemen all dressed in black, who have more to do with ground floor drains, stamps and salaries of the Swiss Guards? Ah, to know ...
fact is that even the infamous law is interpreted as eight per thousand nell'Ancien Régime. The absolute sovereign Silvius Primus, also because it has to be forgiven by the Church scandal of some extra-marital fling, decides its sponte (but dozens of his former advisers and even worse, ex-DC-Msi you think we are doing? ) to give the church a big part of the money that people had reserved to the State con l'otto per mille. Un articolo sulla Repubblica del 18 scorso di Carmelo Lo Papa lo spiega in modo preciso. Nell'indifferenza generale. Où sont les laïques d’antan?
A chiese e luoghi di culto 29 milioni dei 44 che i contribuenti avevano deciso di devolvere all'erario. I dubbi del Parlamento
Pontificia Università Gregoriana in Roma, 459 mila euro. Fondo librario della Compagnia di Gesù, 500 mila euro. Diocesi di Cassano allo Ionio, 1 milione 146 mila euro. Confraternita di Santa Maria della Purità, Gallipoli, 369 mila euro. L'elenco è lungo 17 pagine e porta in calce la firma del presidente del Consiglio Silvio Berlusconi.
Non si tratta di uno dei tanti decreti, ma quello che ripartisce per il 2009 i 43 milioni 969 mila 406 euro che gli italiani hanno destinato allo Stato in quota 8 per mille dell'Irpef. Basta sfogliarlo per scoprire che confraternite, monasteri, congregazioni e parrocchie assorbono la quota prevalente di quanto i contribuenti avevano devoluto a finalità umanitarie o per scopi di assistenza e sussidi al volontariato.
E invece? Succede che i 10 milioni 586 mila euro assegnati al capitolo "Beni culturali" sono finalizzati in realtà a restauri e interventi in favore di 26 immobili ecclesiastici. Opere che avrebbero tutte le carte in regola per usufruire della quota dell'8 per mille destinata alla Chiesa cattolica, with his trust fund to "building of worship."
What's more, the same destination (churches and parishes) also have the other 19 million for quake-hit areas of central Italy (14 per Abruzzo). "The act of the Government No 121" was prepared in early September by Prime Minister Berlusconi veteran diplomat from the accident on 28 August with the Vatican Secretariat of State. In the background, the (non-) Forgiveness after the case-Journal Boffo.
The document, then passed the House on September 23, meanwhile, confirmed that the money goes to the State but come to the right in the discretion of the Head of Government, with regard to their use. It is an act "subject to parliamentary opinion" of the sun Budget committees. That the House has already expressed "positive", October 27, the Senate will do so in the coming days. Yet even the center-right majority in the Chamber of Deputies Budget Commission complained purposes distorted and influenced the final opinion in a number of changes, challenging deficiencies and inconsistencies of the decree.
Among the most surprising, the one that concerns the "world hunger", "to which financial resources are allocated in the decree rather modest, compared to grant requests for small sums that could be fully accepted." In short, government ungenerous to those in need. In fact, last page, under "World hunger" are only ten non-profit associations and financed by € 814 thousand, accounting for 2 percent of the total.
Everything else? Who shares have been part IRPEF that Italians have donated to the state? The lion's share this year are the "measures for the earthquake in the Abruzzi. I am 32 and absorb 14 million 692 thousand euro. But the conditional is a must. Aside from the preponderance of parishes and monasteries here (almost all) of the Aquila, Pescara and Teramo, yet another is wrong.
It is precisely to reveal the committee chaired by Giancarlo Giorgetti League: "The funding requests are submitted for Abruzzo dated earlier than the April 2009 earthquake and is therefore opportuna una puntuale verifica e un coordinamento con gli interventi previsti dopo il sisma". L'ammonimento è chiaro: quei beni finanziati in Abruzzo non sarebbero stati danneggiati dal terremoto del 6 aprile, non quanto altri almeno. Perché dunque si dirotta lì un quinto dell'intera quota dell'8x1000? Il sisma del dicembre 2008 in Emilia garantisce a 9 tra parrocchie e monasteri del Parmense altri 4 milioni, mentre 11 milioni sono parcellizzati per i danni delle restanti calamità in tutta Italia.
Ma ecco il punto. Oltre 10 milioni finiscono ad appannaggio dei Beni culturali. Ventisei tra consolidamenti e restauri, quasi tutti per diocesi, chiese, parrocchie, monasteri. Solo per restare alle cifre più consistenti, ecco il milione 314 000 € to the Assumption Cathedral of Gravina di Puglia, one million 167 thousand euro for the restoration of the frescoes of the church of Santa Severina and Sossio of Naples, or the 987 000 euro for the restoration of Santa Maria ad Nives of Casaluce ( Caserta), the € 579 000 for St. Lawrence Martyr in Mühlen Triora or 413 000 euro for the "use of the church San Giovanni in Avezzano. And then, the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Society of Jesus
On this chapter the baton of Parliament: the priority had to be "the projects submitted by local authorities, non-ecclesiastical. There is also the section "Assistance to refugees, but to which, for 2009, the decree signed by Prime Minister Berlusconi allocates 2.6 million, just over 5 percent of the total. And almost all (2.3 million) is more than just the Italian Council for Refugees. Concentration "inappropriate", then the complaint Budget Committee: "Other projects funded were not worthy of attention."

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Dressy Petite Dressses

corrupt Italy: old storia. Il “modello Sicilia” che nessuno vuole cancellare

E 'useless if the take with Garibaldi. In fact, give thanks to the story, which otherwise would now be at the level of the Arab poor, those without oil. What is certain is that the South is better and sooner than any other geographical area in which the ills endemic to Italy. It 'a recent trend? And 'because of Berlusconi or Romano Prodi, the former DC or the old Communist Party? No, or at least not all: what is old. The southern provinces were always different from the rest of Italy, because they were Greek colonies. Which, for those who know Greece just going there on holiday, says a lot. If then some text leggiucchiato of History, explains it all. I always remember, and I repeat once again that even at the time of the Roman Republic the Senate (SPQR) had to "commissioner", we would say today, the corrupt and quarrelsome Greek city of Neapolis, which then was a different world today but that is reached two hours by train.
So, nothing but spit on Savoy, which were then still decent on Cavour, and the thousand other heroes of the Risorgimento. At least they tried to bring some 'air and European liberal in those lands still subject to the dictatorship of the medieval Church and the Bourbons, it is not known which of the two most authoritarian and corrupt.
This premise came spontaneously out of register, sorry, having in mind the excellent article that appeared in Neo-Lib signed by Jonathan Pacor state funding, really abnormal, a region that, one, managed to scrape together. Besides using them wrong and so far unclear. The problem, though, is that now the "model Sicily" or "model Naples" were imposed throughout Italy, and also in the North, which basically is nothing but the extreme south of Europe where he was born on Liberalism The idea of \u200b\u200bpublic affairs that politicians and administrators in the head is more or less the same as in Palermo, Bari, Naples, Reggio Calabria.
This is the point: the miseducation of the growing Italian ruling class, especially the political one, which has ancient roots and components: historical, anthropological, religious, intellectual, moral. And we know by heart, since the Risorgimento, and even before (from 700 illuminated), we had not have had the Catholic Counter Reformation that at least some 'of critical thinking, individual freedom and bourgeois sense of fairness and honesty stimulated them among citizens. Not to mention the custom of the South to foreign domination, the viceroy, the barons, from which sprang the heads of the mafia, so the eyes of people power was, still is, always alien, hostile, "their thing".
Other provincial, subcultural, "revisionist" historians. Enough with the spitting up Garibaldi and the "Piedmont" as pseudo-intellectuals are nostalgic for the province of the Bourbons. The policy can no longer anything because she is sick society for centuries in the South, which now has spread to Italy. Serve new ideals, honesty, combined with widespread efficiency (to Ernesto Nathan, Mayor of Rome unforgettable. But never mind, with the current school, families and the neglect of "values" transmitted by the TV ... And because there are so many of the new Bourbon Garigliano down (and even some from the Garigliano and up), Give us back Cavour, Mazzini and Garibaldi (NV).
of Jonathan Pacor
"In a very informal, from sources close entourage of the President of the Lombardy received a response to our questions about 4 billion euros allocated to the Region of Sicily. We were told that the money is a" national quota "which is required by the EU for the allocation of European funds, which is waiting for you unblock practices in Brussels and the European bureaucracy, it takes a long time. Read more would be enough to ask for the" PO FERS " . To begin with we found that the money will cover the period from 2007 to 2013. The money will now be unlocked and then used in the next five years. In an interview on July 31, Minister Claudio Scajola told La Stampa what are the 4.3 billion euros released that day: "330 million to improve links with the smaller islands, 560 million for the north-south link (Gela-Santo Stefano Calastra), 370 to upgrade major roads (Palermo-Messina, Messina, Catania, Siracusa-Gela, Ragusa-Catania), and then 520 million earmarked for water works, 410 for infrastructure work in the environmental field, 91 million for technological innovation, 330 for the "development contracts" for companies, 80 school buildings and 450 million aimed at redevelopments. " Major works, major projects.
Scajola but adds that "the money to fund the underdeveloped areas (Fas) were not affected: they are 22.3 billion, in addition to 1.6 billion for interregional programs. These resources will add 45 billion of European funds already 'distributed to the regions. We can 'be a different distribution of availability' of cash, increasing from 2010. But this is not 'an insurmountable problem,' cause the regions, based on the programs released by CIPE, can start their designs or they can direct their resources towards these other projects that will be offset when the funds arrive Fas.
We then went to check on the website of the European Commission and found that the ERDF funds are European Funds for Regional Development, that the sums stanziate sono pari a 3,27 miliardi di euro, e che la Regione è tenuta a mettere in rete "l'elenco dei beneficiari": in questo elenco (aggiornato al 30 giugno 2009) abbiamo trovato il beneficiario di diversi progetti per il valore complessivo di 0,036 miliardi di euro e che gli importi effettivamente erogati sarebbero pari a circa 0,0048 miliardi di euro, quali circa 0,0024 miliardi di euro in quota Fers. Insomma, nei 100 giorni successivi il 31 luglio o non è stato erogato nemmeno un euro, oppure l'elenco dei beneficiari non è stato aggiornato (in violazione della normativa europea).
Ci siamo così imbattuti sul sito , nel quale la regione informa sui finanziamenti europei, con un ampia sezione dedicata ai FERS. Il PO FERS è il Programma Operativo con cui si vogliono spendere i soldi europei, un documento di 253 pagine che potrete trovare qui . A pagina 252 ci trovate la tabella riassuntiva, che mostra come i fondi siano pari a 3,27 miliardi di euro per la quota europea e 3,27 miliardi di euro per la quota nazionale. In tutto 6,54 miliardi di euro.
Però c'è anche il Fse, il Fondo Sociale Europeo, per il quale sono stanziati 1,05 miliardi di Euro di finanziamenti europei, ai quali si devono aggiungere 0,84 miliardi di provenienza nazionale e 0,210 miliardi di provenienza regionale, in modo che la provenienza dei finanziamenti rispetti un rapporto di 50% (Europa) - 40% (Stato) - 10% (Region). This, too, with its 109 pages of ESF Operational Programme.
In all the European funds are then equal to 4.12 billion euros, of which it must add 4.12 billion from domestic, for a total of 8.24 billion euros. Aggiungone to which the share of € 22.3 billion due to Sicily among the funds for the underdeveloped areas of national origin to which it referred in the above mentioned Scajola ( here we find the CIPE decisions that allocate the money ) and a whole forest of inter-European and international programs. I do not know where Scajola bring out the figure of 45 billion euro, but HERE there is a nice overview.
But back to Sicily, because we also found on the site Eurinfosicilia notices, which show in detail how money is spent. Here are two examples: - Invitation to the "closure of operations of the Regional Operational Programme" and the "supervision and control of Structural Funds € 600,000 ( here )
- With funding from the European Community provided for the activities of" Action Line " Sicily ERDF Operational Programme 2007-2013, which is responsible for the Department of Transport Regional, was put out to tender for the concession of the service conception, design and implementation of a communication campaign institutional, integrated, for the promotion of safety stradale sul territorio della Regione Siciliana”.L’importo della gara, IVA esclusa, è pari a 2.700.000,00 euro. ( qui )
Insomma, una selva di costruzioni di strade, di corsi di formazione, di programmi di cui è difficile valutare la necessità o anche solo l'utilità. Tutto pagato con i soldi del contribuente".

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Scabies Causes More Condition_symptoms

Meglio la zucca o il crocifisso? Sentenza di Strasburgo e cristianità in Europa

"La recente sentenza della corte Europea di Strasburgo ha stabilito che l’esposizione dei crocifissi nelle aule scolastiche rappresenta “una violazione del diritto dei genitori a educare i figli secondo le loro convinzioni e della libertà di religione degli alunni”, lamentando che l’esposizione del crocefisso in classe violasse l’art. 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights concerning freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and art. 2 of Protocol No. 1 on the right to education, which obliges the State to respect the right of parents to ensure the education and teaching in conformity with their religious and philosophical convictions. The display of the crucifix also violates the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and, possibly, the Fourth Geneva Convention and Additional Protocols, signed from Italy.
The ruling is sacrosanct, it should only apply. Instead, remove the shields to defend the obscurantist crucified! Vatican officials, political leaders and intellectuals force us to put up with a mess of arguments, arrived at the highest levels of counterfeiting and historical revisionism.
Vatican Secretary of State said, sounding annoyed, that "Europe of the third millennium This leaves us only recently celebrated the feast of pumpkins [Halloween, Ed], and taking away the crucifix as the symbol dear."
respond to Cardinal Bertone, meanwhile, that pumpkin is good to eat and remember that, despite a series of manipulations of Christianity, the old Celtic feast of Samhain the end of summer. The party, in 1048, became "All Hallows Eve" Eve of All Saints, with an incorporation event in indigenous Christian holidays made for overlap with the many events that took place between September and November, mainly connected with the harvest.
should be noted that the pumpkin (at the time of the Celts a turnip) is to assume, because of 'encystment Christian, no longer the meaning of the instrument for removing the dead but a fetish to ward off the "witches", or the thousands of women burned at the stake by the Inquisition only because of medical knowledge, forbidden by the Church.
across Europe has been, unfortunately, only a stump almost metamorphic indigenous party, while no longer exist the countless traditions and peoples destroyed by the devastating fury of Christianity.
The anthology of statements made by politicians in defense of the crucifix reminds us that we live in a world turned upside down.
We think, in fact, the assertion made by some politicians: "Europe is carpeted with cathedrals and crucifixes ... is a symbol of cultural identity which must be taken in public places."
Europe is so plastered with cathedrals, but built mainly razing temples and structures of various cults. The symbol of the cross is claimed with power and there is to be welcomed. You go to visit the Basilica of San Clemente in Rome, built over an ancient Mitreo, or the Synagogue of Santa Maria La Blanca Toledo, became Church after the expulsion of Jews from Spain by Isabella of tablets of the catholic, the cathedral of Mexico City built over the Aztec Templo Mayor of Tenochtitlan after the Christian Cortes has destroyed all its inhabitants because they did not accept Christianity's Cathedral Syracuse built on top of a greek temple.
These are some examples of the thousands of cases. We urge, however, readers to ask themselves what stood under the cathedral in their cities. In many cases, the confirmation will be that, to erect a bell tower with a crucifix, has destroyed an enormous heritage of temples and then to the traditions of indigenous peoples who have fueled Europe which has roots in diversity culturale, e non radici cristiane né, tanto meno, giudaico-cristiane. Termine, quest’ultimo, inventato alla bisogna.
Qualche cristiano ha detto che, per coerenza, la statua della dea Athena che sorge davanti all’ateneo romano dovrebbe essere rimossa ma non si ricorda che questo è già stato fatto. I cristiani, infatti, una volta al potere, a causa della loro pruderie sessuofobica, hanno tagliato o coperto peni, seni e quanto altro dalle statue greche e romane, deturpandole irrimediabilmente.
Che il crocifisso possa essere considerato, come dicono alcuni, un simbolo culturale ci induce a precisare che non ha portato, nell’Europa cristianizzata, né amore, né fratellanza. La storia europea è made rather than mass killings, massacres, expulsions, pogroms, ghettos, slavery, racial laws, the Shoah. It 's the story of Giordano Bruno was burned alive. It 's a story of the Jews and against the Roma, one of the few ancient peoples who survived. It 's the story of a Christian continues to produce uniformity approval. A history of evangelizing missions that have eliminated thousands of people of Latin America and humanity that have ravaged Africa.
All this was done by means of bubbles and papal edicts, religious courts and waving the crucifix that insists on keeping public places with a 'stubbornness that the Italian state would need to spend a better fate.
Il premio per la sciocchezza più macroscopica è da assegnarsi al leader del Partito Democratico con l’affermazione “Penso che su questioni delicate come questa, qualche volta il buonsenso finisce di essere vittima del diritto. Io penso che un'antica tradizione come il crocefisso non può essere offensiva per nessuno”.
Al leader del PD che sembra, per dirla con Carducci, “un manzoniano che tiri quattro paghe per il lesso” - cioè disposto a qualunque compromesso per tre voti - rispondiamo che dovrebbe sapere che il diritto non ha niente a che fare con il buon senso.
Abbiamo ricevuto This article by the Committee for Human Rights
Gerush 92 . We publish despite the fact that you do not agree on everything, because he remembers a particular rarely discussed, the cults and traditions prior to Christianity, often forcibly removed.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

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