Friday, November 26, 2010

Blueprints For Playstructure

Pannunzio as Cavour: the liberalism that you fancy, passion, will, in short, life

grave robbers. Today there is the race to take possession of the embalmed body of Mario Pannunzio, the mythical founder of the World (1949-68). Besides, much quoted, often inappropriately, almost the same age as Flaiano (curious were born the same day and same year). Sure, they shared the mental gymnastics secular irony, the sharp jokes, aphorisms. And by dint of jokes, criticism and irony, perhaps creating and pinned to the bar, editorials and "Notebooks", Pannunzio made of the finest World week that Italy has had, after having founded and directed the most beautiful daily political Risorgimento Liberal (1944-47).
And who has not, at least a little ', or flaianeo Pannunzio? There are too many, the pannunziani alleged, alleged, boasted. Improbable or marginal almost like self-styled "liberals".
Pannunzio fact is that Mario has had to suffer in death without being able to react a lot more tackles than in life, including that of the repeated transfer of the body.
The Left, some left, says she loves him, in key late-fascist, censoring anything that Pannunzio said of the Left.
The Right, some Right now declares defiantly appreciate it, obviously in an anti-Communist out of time, without reporting all the evil that Pannunzio thought, diceva e scriveva della Destra.
Sfugge ad entrambe le parti, prive di idee e quindi obbligate a dividersi tra loro in modo artificioso ed elettorale, che Pannunzio non era così stupidamente bipolare, tifoso. Era invece imbevuto di cultura liberale, e dunque non accettava questa come qualsiasi altra bipartizione, che non vuol dire nulla, neanche sul piano ideologico. Tranne una cosa: che nessuna delle due parti, Destra e Sinistra, è liberale.
Il paradosso è che spesso l’azione macabra del furto della salma del Grande Lucchese è compiuta dai più lontani da lui, magari conservatori della più bell’acqua, oppure tipi Narcisi e istrionici della politica e del giornalismo che approfittano per crearsi una biografia fake, to highlight and act as interpreters of a new politically correct etiquette: the "pannunzianesimo snob." Thinking of course, being a snob, most in the world, selling short (about 15 000 copies) to the Risorgimento Liberale, who sold much, much more Unit (100,000 against 40,000). The
Pannunzio abusive, again, may be right or left, because in the general crisis of identity and ideology instrumentalization of the liberal icons is tempting everyone from Senator Pera, anti-secularist and pro-Ratzinger's (and the poor in Pannunzio tomb makes a half turn on itself), until the commentator Scalfari, Pannunzio declared by himself in a strange, almost Last comic will "persona non grata" to his future funerals (another half-turn in his grave). But yes, it was purely a funeral Pannunzio: think, Scalfari in a black eye in order not to follow the coffin, unseen by anyone but immortalized by a camera, one kilometer away from such great coffin. A surreal film to Bunuel.
liberal intellectual has been discussed in Rome in a round table at the publisher Rubbettino, who brought a brief collection of contributions by Pier Luigi Battista, Marcello Staglieno, Girolamo Cotroneo, George Gallino, Charles Sodini, Mirella Serri, Pier Franco Quaglieni, Angiolo Bandinelli, Mario Soldati (" Mario Pannunzio. From the World Longanesi ", pp.155, € 14) by Pier Quaglieni Franco, director of the Center Pannunzio di Torino, founded many years ago, in very difficult times of snob-pannunzianesimo, Olivetti and Soldiers. To discuss
were Mirella Serri, Marina Valensise, Angiolo Bandinelli, Andrea Velardi, Nico Valerio and Pier Franco Quaglieni, presented by the editor of Rubbettino.
What can I say? Since time is running out and the good manners prevent you from reading a long note, I will note here the schematic on which I improvised the speech, saying, unfortunately, to refine the report and not be boring, half of half of the concepts that I set to say.
Well, the concepts were these:
Pannunzio and Cavour: ALMOST PARALLEL LIVES. This centenary Pannunzio (Pannunzio was wise enough to be born in 1910, exactly one hundred years after Cavour, who was also his legend) was at one pull to the jacket, the wax statue of the Great Lucchese, brilliant inventor of the World, Smarter Italian newspaper. And indeed, there were clubs, groups and committees pannunziani who have made the struggle between them. But the plural
theft of the corpse appears unjustified, because the liberals of yesterday, which Pannunzio was a great example, were quite different from those of today, unlike moderate Pannunzio not so much in political choices, but to intelligence and ideas.
singular coincidence of the centenary of Pannunzio with the bicentenary of the birth of Cavour, and you begin to celebrate the 150. Unification of Italy. The case is fun to put together events that then read by men, take on a significant value. Pannunzio will certainly appreciate that century's exact distance from its Cavour had his official portrait in full uniform on his desk
but also suggests other similarities between the two men liberals. Although Pannunzio was a true intellectual, and since his youth, while Cavour, winning its own complex, it becomes in adulthood.
In fact, in hindsight, both
1. Had a family of high level, but any adolescence and youth, which did not bode very ingenious.
2. He measured with his father, the family and the authorities, often in harsh contrast.
3. They took the top (and with difficulty) roads other than those that would have made them famous.
4. They loved the good life, women and the social life and entertainment.
5. They had the "turning point" of their life much later, around 30-40 years.
6. They reached the pinnacle of notoriety around 50.
7. They changed the profession by chance, and thus achieving what was then known as their great commitment liberal.
8. They used their position as power, prestige and visibility to "impose liberalism" to the attention of society. The liberal revolution made from above, that "the government or from the desk."
9. They were tough anti-conservative (among their opponents: Carlo Alberto, Piedmontese Army, Revel, churches, whatever, Fascism, Leoni, Malagodi etc.).
10. They were true liberals, but opposed by other liberals, the Right and Left (Revel, Balbo, D'Azeglio, Sine, Lorenzo Valerio, Brofferio, Lucifer, Malagodi etc.).
11. They were avowedly liberal "moderates", but in reality progress. Cavour had enemies above Right. Pannunzio said more volte: “Il partito liberale non è un partito conservatore… Non è un partito di destra. Non difende interessi e privilegi costituiti. Non spalleggia l’alta borghesia, l’alta industria, l’alta finanza. Se forze reazionarie stanno veramente ‘in agguato’, siano pur certe che i liberali non saranno al loro fianco . ( Risorgimento Liberale , 1944). E ancora: “ Partito conservatore o partito liberale democratico? Partito di destra o di centro, centro-sinistra? Naturalmente è la seconda ipotesi, è cioè la seconda strada che vorremmo che i liberali ufficiali seguissero ” (1951, lettera privata ).
12. Dichiararono più volte di essere riformisti e non rivoluzionari [P.: “ Centro ‘evoluzionista’ non rivoluzionario ”. C. riuscì a far approvare le riforme liberali solo agitando lo spettro, altrimenti, della rivoluzione].
13. Fecero un “connubio” non con la Destra ma con forze di Sinistra moderata e liberale, pur escludendo rigorosamente la Sinistra estrema e massimalista [C.: con la Sinistra liberale di Lorenzo Valerio, proprio per isolare l’Estrema e i rivoluzionari repubblicani. P. da parte sua fu attento non solo ai democratici, ma anche ai socialdemocratici, apprezzando la politica di Saragat, il riformismo liberale nel Regno Unito (il programma di Welfare del liberale Beveridge col governo laburista) e negli USA (New Deal di Roosevelt]
14. Erano accentratori e si occuparono sempre di tutto, avocando a sé anche i minuti particolari.
15. Dominarono per personalità, fantasia e forza di volontà il loro ambiente. Una volta scomparsi, nessuno fu capace di sostituirli. Perciò non ebbero eredi.
16. Entrambi morirono troppo precocemente, intorno ai 50 anni.
Ma Pannunzio ebbe anche altri elementi in comune con Cavour. Fu EUROPEO, ANGLOSASSONE, INTELLETTUALE TOTALE, unica figura nell’Italia moderna di intellettuale a tutto campo. “L’intellettuale, per noi, è una figura intera. L’uomo politico, se non vuole essere un puro faccendiere, is also an intellectual. " In a sense it was also RENAISSANCE (Renaissance and the rest of the Renaissance there is no semantic difference). The humanism of P. confirms that human intelligence turns him around everywhere and no limits. It takes care of everything and is interested Pannunzio man with a sense of ethical and aesthetic ( Kalos kai Agathos) of classical (greek-roman). Hence the VERSATILITY 'Leonardo, eclecticism.
Risorgimento. Pannunzio it was for reasons of history, ideology, thought, action (voluntarism). Can be defined as the ultimate intellectual renaissance.
PASSION. High and pervasive, as in Cavouir (cfr. Croce).
ATTIVISMO. Protagonismo individualistico in Pannunzio, sia pure col massimo risparmio di mezzi e di tempi (era nota la sua pigrizia “efficiente”), addirittura febbrile e patologica frenesia di lavoro e organizzativa in Cavour, tale da essere insostenibile perfino per i suoi collaboratori e per l’intera classe politica (piemontese!)
E’ possibile, inoltre, disegnare un sintetico e indicativo “diagramma pannunziano”:
1. GIORNALISMO COME POLITICA. Pannuncio fu certamente un politico vero e proprio, più che giornalista. Non solo analizzare la realtà, dunque, ma modificarla profondamente, ecco il proposito del suo programma personale e politico-giornalistico. Quel che is certain is that it was crucial for the whole world, secular and democratic-liberal. For 20 years and above (1944-68) filled the void of Liberals of all persuasions.
3. ETHICAL CULTURE AND POLITICS AS. The moral rigor that had in common with the Action Party, Salvemini, Rossi and Valiani,
4. ETHICAL as a beautician.
It is also possible the palindrome, that is, getting back in the diagram opposite, equally eloquent and intriguing
Aesthetics as Ethics (and indeed beauty is a sign of an inner order, rule of reason), Ethics as Culture, Culture as Politics, Politics as a journalist.
Another element in common with Cavour is:
FREEDOM 'As a lay person'. Ie ability to separate and leave the ideas of man from the dictatorship of any kind of dogma (religion, totalitarianism of the Right and Left, academies, etc.). this is very European and Anglo-Saxon. And yet cavourriano.
Some will say, but it was not "secular" ... Of course that was secular, but because he understood Italian. Secularist extremism is not a layman, but only those who want a secular state. Who wants to know more about this site to go short essay "Secularism, secularism, anti-clericalism" which reproduces the lecture in your own home Rubbettino of the School of liberalism. .
STYLE, character and personality '. Pannunzio practiced in journalism and life style opposite to that of its abysmally late, abusive followers. In fact, he preached and
SOBRIETY '. He could not stand the rhetoric, neither the grandiloquent political jargon, nor abstruse "philosophemes. In an Italy verbose urged journalists to "prune", "scratch", ie to eliminate unnecessary words, phrases, platitudes, using the short summary and all the facts, Anglo-Saxon. It was not only (and good) titles, take the side of the player, but also the editorial rewriting, the rewriting. Not to be confused col rewriting stilistico anonimo (Sechi a Panorama, Espresso). Perché Il Mondo doveva corrispondere, pur nella dialettica interna, ad un progetto unitario, ad una idea. Pur essendo pluralista era il disegno di un uomo. Era, dunque,
ANTIPAROLAIO. In un’Italia di avvocati, letterati di provincia e oratori-retori che facevano-fanno della retorica parolaia il mezzo espressivo principale.
ANTI-PROVINCIALE. Nel senso che volava alto, si poneva problemi grandi e generali, in un’Italia che vede tutto “in piccolo”, dedita al “particulare” di Guicciardini, interessata solo alle piccole beghe locali o di municipio (come alla locale squadra di calcio), che protesta per una strada ma si disinteressa ottusamente the common good of the nation. The success of the Southern League and similar movements or neo-Bourbon is explained by this historic national character.
Pannunzio transpired in the commitment of the World and even more items:
DOWNSIZING POLICY. Restored the correct hierarchy of culture (first), beauty (2) and political (3). Though all - thought - was the culture and politics, politics was not everything to him. Clear distinction between ideology (which is the culture of politics and philosophy) and political practice (thing wheeler).
ETHICS OF WORK WELL DONE. Perfectionism was really Pannunzio of ethical-aesthetic.
SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM. Paradoxically, one that almost did not write taught to write dozens of journalists, including famous. But then, who really was Pannunzio?
JOURNALIST? No, rather a "midwife", a maieuta of journalists and newspapers. What then, is clearly meant "doing politics by other means." Which relates rather to the categories of Beauty, of Truth, the Polis and the History of Ideas.
great political project. The world was a grand synthesis in the modern liberal project.
SNOB? No, the world was not a snob, if anything, in the best sense, "aristocratic", "nob", yet simple, natural, synthetic, Anglo-Saxon.
childless Pannunzio? Do not repeat too much. On the other hand what does it mean? None. Sure, are not visible clones Pannunzio or his favorite students, but its positions, the mix of culture, politics, aesthetics and personalities that made P. an apparent unicuum , are well known and therefore recoverable. I will say a foolish thing as far as conformist as the world sold few copies and was in deficit, even today - why not? - Could be achieved. Sure. The heirs are not, or could be neither Scalfari Pannella, too different from him, histrionic, redundant, self-referential, marinated, however excessive, often poles apart. Other than the neu nimis (never too much) of Pannunzio!
In fact, it is true that today the environment political and social activity is very different from the time of Pannunzio. There will be more liberal intellectuals to Pannunzio, unfortunately, but the basic liberal media has increased enormously compared to his time. It 's true that today's mass society, but it is also true that communism has collapsed and liberalism has spread everywhere, and won, albeit watered down (thanks to Union Eropea, TV and Anglo-Saxon influence patterns of life ) today almost all said they were "liberal." Yesterday, at the time of P. almost everyone was against liberalism, even today, housewives and the Communists have accepted many of the teni L, albeit at low level.
This makes us understand that the "childless" refers not at the time, but the shortage of colorful characters.
Audio-video of the pedestal blog " Nico Valerio " .