Wednesday, January 27, 2010

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"Italians saved Jews in Palestine? Better not, "said the future Pope John, the" good "

Memorial Day, created to remember the Holocaust of the Jews, without their guilt being persecuted by the Nazis (Semitic), so come in precedenza erano stati perseguitati dalla Chiesa cattolica (antigiudaica, più che antisemita), è diventata uno stanco rituale che ricorda più l’ingiustizia subita e il dolore delle vittime che le azioni concrete e l’odio dei persecutori. Insomma, è una memoria che finisce ancora una volta per riaprire ferite e ritorcersi paradossalmente contro le vittime.
Sarà bene, perciò, proprio oggi, ricordare le opere o le omissioni di coloro che a qualunque titolo, soli davanti alla propria coscienza, contribuirono alla tragedia. Sono noti i silenzi, malgrado i messaggi allarmati di nunzi e vescovi, di papa Pio XII Pacelli, non giustificabili da nessuna "prudenza". Ve lo immaginate Gesù il Nazareo, ammesso that has ever existed, who does not speak for not antagonizing the judges of the Sanhedrin or the merchants of the Temple?
Less known, however, are the reactions of other Catholic prelates. Even the most unexpected.
For example, the future "Good Pope" Angelo Roncalli - can not remember if done already "blessed" or "holy", as the Church of Rome in crisis, post-mortem rewards bestowed on almost all recent popes - he was nuncio Apostolic of Pope Pius XII in Istanbul. Well, on 4 September 1943, during the Nazi occupation, he answered with a letter to say the least embarrassing, if not terrible, the solicitations that came from all parts of the Vatican to seek to promote the exodus of Jews from Italy, in order to save them by making them take refuge in the land of their ancestors, where was ancient Israel.
The shocking letter to Cardinal Maglione, Vatican Secretary of State, by one who in his old age he would become Pope John XXIII, the pope "good" so dear to old ladies and children, judged objectively represents a subsequent contribution is voluntary, but some not secondary to the unjust order of many Italian Jews. The fact is - remember the cruel way site Gherush92 of which has spread - a month after the letter to Roncalli were deported to finish in the ovens of the Nazis, many Jewish Ghetto in Rome. To tacere degli altri italiani e di tutta ebrei Europa. Ecco il testo
(tratto, il sito riporta, da "Proceedings of the Holy See about the Second World War", vol. 9, n.324 ).
The apostolic delegate in Istanbul Cardinal Maglione Roncalli
Rap. No. 4344 (6077/43 AES. Orig.)
Instanbul, September 4, 1943
Request an approach in favor of Jews Italians Delegate's doubts about the usefulness of immigration to Palestine.
Faccio Seguito al mio rapporto devoto n. 4332 data in 20 agosto us trasmettendo altre the questions I submitted on behalf of Israel.
The second of these is based on obtaining the intervention of the Holy See because it has facilitated the release of many Jews from Italian soil and other changes already made in my previous notes to numbers 1, 3, 4, 5.
confess that this channel, just the Holy See, the Jews to Palestine, as the rebuilding of the Jewish kingdom, beginning to get them out of Italy, I rise to some uncertainty in spirit. What do
what their countrymen and their political friends you understand. But I do not think that the very good taste and high simple exercise of charity of the Holy See can offer the opportunity or the appearance that it is recognized in it as it is a minimum initial and indirect cooperation, the realization of the Messianic dream.
All this is perhaps my personal scruples enough to have confessed it to be dispersed. And so much is quite certain that the rebuilding of the kingdom of Judah and Israel that is not a utopia.
Angelo Rocalli "
And as for" utopia "of the" reconstruction of the kingdom of Judah and Israel ", even Pope John, even" holy "but certainly anti-Jewish, was a good prophet.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

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Goodbye (it must be said) and liberal secular state. The Cross of privilege but outlawed

A black page to the secular nature of the Italian State that takes us back centuries, a blow to religious freedom that is made especially formal equality between the faiths and philosophical ideas, which is a blow to liberalism the limit theory of rights because all rights are granted to . If an atheist, a Muslim or a Buddhist can not impose on others in public places, coercively, not only their beliefs but also its outward symbols, because only the Catholic should be allowed this arrogance ?
What happened? In practice, the CSM, the organ of self-protection of the courts and ordered the maximum sentence the judge Luigi Tosti, the radiation from the judiciary, established in practice that the Catholic religion is the only religion that can expose its own symbol, even coercively, in public places, as are the courtrooms at the hearing.
forced The exposition of the crucifix in public places, a recent Italian and only Italian costume, is a privilege for any unacceptable liberal right, center or left it. Because it touches the very basis of liberalism: freedom of religion, freedom of ideas, freedom of propaganda of ideas. All the more, then, if the context of this absurd monopoly is accompanied by sanctions, and serious as this.
But it must be difficult even for a true Catholic, who knows that he believes in God does not need to impose itself through violence, or to display symbols, crosses, images, and robes that he more or less abusive connect. And, indeed, if it existed, if the laugh of the "paganism" of his followers, who like the savages of Patagonia worship fetish material made of wood, paper, marble and bronze, rather than feel the religion in his own consciousness. A former vice: the Church of Rome on charges of idolatry and fetishism was one of the causes of the separation of the Protestants. In fact, the Bible says: "You shall not make an idol or any likeness of what is in heaven above ... Do not bow down to them or worship them" (Exodus 20.1 to 17). As the court
Tosti, for four years without functions and without pay, must be one of those picky and stubborn moralists "provocateurs" who are doing everything to find it themselves. Something must have broken if he decided to sacrifice himself to give scandal. They were the first Christians to argue that it is appropriate that the scandals happen?
Not at all accommodating, this little big man has taken his old defense, just principles. With consequential logic and of a naive Candide but knows all about law and read Plato speaks of Socrates. It seems one of those who made the heroic Protestant Reformation. These are the people who bring things to the extreme injustice makes it unbearable even obtuse man in the street and trigger changes.
Luigi Tosti had repeatedly refused to hold a hearing under the sign of the crucifix. And certainly not in hatred or contempt of this symbol, but because aware of the obvious infringement of equality between religions that exposure of that symbol represents. The crucifix in public places, that there was in Liberal, moreover, is outlawed in a literal sense. In fact, there is no by any law, but from an old ministerial regulation that speaks nothing of "furniture".
What to do? If you do not want the typical eliminre Catholic crucifix - Tosti argued with polished sense reminiscent of Voltaire - then it will parallel in a liberal with the symbols of other religions, such as the Jewish menorah, the Islamic crescent, the cross of Protestants, and so on to include Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism and even atheism.
Nah, must be a monopoly, a dominant position (with the abuse for decades, centuries), psychological violence, forced conviction and appeal to school children. A persuasion, subliminal really remember the dark ages of medieval fanaticism.
To understand what the rationale for liberal analogy must refer, instead, remember that the free market monopolies and dominant positions are the number one bugbear, the true enemy of liberalism (see Einaudi, Ernesto Rossi, etc.). And in fact, are pursued by the Guarantor and very severely by law. The competition, therefore, there must also be nell'ostensione symbols in public places: it is a fundamental principle of liberalism.
Liberalism itself was born and grew stronger as their religious freedom. So the brave
Judge Tosti, who is the admiration and solidarity of Salon Voltaire, did well to peg away on a question of principle of this magnitude. And we wonder why the judges of the CSM have naively fallen into the trap constitutional. Judge Tosti now before the Court of Cassation, and then the Constitution, where he has a good chance of winning. But if this were not enough there is always the Court European Human Rights has already ruled that the Italian state to a similar question.
Sorry, though, that once again, the so-called "land law" sets a bad impression in international law, even took over the Nicaragua or Burkina Faso.
But as with all the evils produced by Islamic fundamentalism, now the Catholic religion he began to imitate him, returning to her, never forgotten, harmful, old days?
"The Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) has removed Judge Tosti judicial order. Faced with the alternative postagli by the courageous judge to remove the crucifixes from the courtroom or to remove him, he chose to drive him out of the order of the magistrates. This terrible event that a sign of mourning for the secular state the day today is contemporary to the application of the Italian government at the time announced by the Minister Gelmini, the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights which gave reason to the parents of Padua had objected to the presence of the crucifix in the classroom.
I have no doubt that the judge will continue his battle, and I hope a lot of great popular support, as defended our own freedom.
The country where this is the same place where Catholic doctors of public hospitals in the NHS may refuse to practice abortion because of conscience, without having to give up their jobs and their salary. The attempts to impose the crucifixes in public offices has always been so devoid of reason to be justified as part of the "furniture" of the premises, or as an expression of "culture" national. This second justification is officially supported by the Vatican which he realizes that there is no reason to force erga omnes the symbol of the Catholic religion.
Religion is essentially a private matter and can not be imposed on all. Public offices are open to people of all faiths and philosophical conviction. All may not be the presence of a symbol that belongs only to believers Christians.
In Italy, 1870-1929 [the crucifix] never existed in public offices, and Europe does not exist almost everywhere. The all-Italian claim to compel the presence reaching even to punish those who do not expose identity is consistent with the obsession of the right, with the desire to make the cross a symbol of the clash of civilizations, a tool to assert the primacy of the West on 'Islam and every other culture. The decision of the CSM
contribute objectively to give manforte attacks against the secular state and the rights of the people who came forward and led to moments of great tension in the issue of living wills, rights of gay couples to their legal recognition, the right to procreation healthy and free from religious obscurantism.
The front of the weakened and secularism is in the throes of chaos. The Radical Party has been the most consistent supporters of Tosti probably will not intervene with due force since Mrs Bonino, candidate for the governorship of Lazio, will have to woo Catholic voters, and the PD is no longer able to connect and to stand behind a rational course of action, being in the grip of different and conflicting impulses. The Cross becomes fully operation of an operation time of the assertion of a right and its "culture" obscurantist and adversely affecting human rights.
no small wonder the behavior of the CSM, with drawn sword defending the independence of the judiciary by the Government and the Parliament itself away from its ranks and its courageous leader that would also independent from clerical domination. Refusing to remove crucifixes from the courtroom makes a prevarication on the sense of justice and the independence of the Judicial Service of the State.
Peter Ancona
Sources: Corriere della Sera
, TgCom Mediaset , BlogAncona

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Via Craxi? Not only that, but also via the craxismo, and forever, from Italian politics

Italy can teach us anything? After the celebrations for the tenth anniversary of the death of Craxi, the question is more legitimate than ever. You might think of as a figure Craxi uncomfortable that the Italian leaders of today would like to forget. But instead of erasing the memory, the authorities in Rome have decided to honor him with a ceremony was also attended by President Giorgio Napolitano. Perhaps no other episode that illustrates so well the Italian tolerance towards corruption and lawlessness. THE GUARDIAN, UK.
The world of Italian politics has been celebrating the former Socialist leader, Craxi, ten years after his death in exile. It is a remarkable turnaround because Craxi was sentenced and is considered the main cause of corruption in Italian politics during those years. But now, to the delight of some - including Silvio Berlusconi - and to the dismay of others, the process of rehabilitation of Craxi sent seems to be going forward.
THE INDEPENDENT , Great Britain.
Craxi? It was not the head of an Italian government, an ally of the United States, a friend of Israel and an enemy of terrorism, which the Police had deployed against American soldiers in Sigonella, not to capture a Palestinian terrorist? No, it does not seem possible to me be wrong.
remember correctly, or is it that Bettino Craxi friend and protector of Arafat, the smart grabber with the Christian lover and suitcases full of dollars of European countries "for the poor Palestinian children," he instead put it in his pocket, the By day chatter of peace - he even had the Nobel Prize - and at night armed war against the hated Jews? Oh, sorry, time dulls the memory of me, you know.
It was not that - but no, it can be - that despite the tradition of secular and even atheistic socialism, just as the socialist Mussolini, for cynical political calculation, he renewed the Concordat with the Church, just as Catholics themselves no longer We hoped more e lo piangevano per morto?
E’ questo il Craxi di cui oggi tutti riparlano? Ma non era quello che divise con Andreotti il primato del maggior debito pubblico del dopoguerra, con la lira costretta a continue svalutazioni sui mercati internazionali per favorire le nostre esportazioni, e con un’inflazione che arrivò al 20 per cento? Non fu lui a imporre in Rai, nei cento Enti di Stato e ovunque, nel potere e nel sottopotere, i suoi uomini, perfezionando in modo sistematico, brutalmente predatorio e parassitario lo spoil system inventato dalla DC?
E allora, come mai, questo Craxi a 25 anni dalla morte è diventato improvvisamente "un grande uomo di Stato", mentre invece non riuscì neanche ad essere un man of decent government?
me confused with someone else, or was this just for Ben to do the hard, the bully, to express smug arrogance that had never before seen in the Italian politicians after Mussolini? Just listen to his speech and semantic interpretation: authoritarianism oozed from every sentence. E 'syndrome of bad socialists: Scratch a socialist and discover underneath the authoritarian. And that lack serious in claiming to be a Democrat or even "liberal" (as opposed to the evil communists, who do not see how they could be even more bad) now someone has the nerve to call it "personality", "carat weight of great statesman "?
And finally I'm taking a crab or that Craxi was to generate, even without a direct hit but as a model, the Berlusconi, who is nothing if not a craxismo less decisive, less efficient, but far more pervasive and totalitarian?
If we're talking about the same Craxi, then I think I remember that his crimes were mainly political and political conduct, rather than judicial. You set the policy so brazen as domain, such as employment, such as squandering of state property, and then the citizens, to use not so much not just personal, but the Party, of his fellow politicians, his power elite. At this point, very important to us liberals, the arrogance of Craxi was unique and unique, despite recent attempts to imitate.
But, again, had only to hear him speak: a liberal politician never talks like that. There are worrying tones and phrases in common between the Sermon on the bivouac of the other socialist Ben and the Discourse of "Cosi fan tutte" with which Craxi called accomplices like all politicians in full Parliament, if I am guilty so are you, I I assume my responsibilities, but also you have to take them. What is speech? And 'maybe heroic? E 'from the great man? Not really. E 'defensive argument that since there is law and the process has always felt the guilt of those who act without the slightest grant a mitigating factor.
But if however, this Craxi was "great political strategist" just for putting in the former allies of the Communist Party bosses, who oppress the Socialists since the Congress of Livorno, perhaps to have an instrumental and often defended the secular parties represented intermediate, thus breaking the area of \u200b\u200bcompromise DC-PCI and the MSI even indirectly giving back space (which is why, apart from the similarity with the other Ben, the post-fascists speak well), it is indisputable that in addition to the "strategist" there was the ' businessman, corrupt, not so much private interest, which would limit excusable, but the paroxysmal craving for political power, that is for us liberals a much more serious because more than understandable defects to become a human system.
right, has had certain powers and against the judiciary, has been targeted, but the fact remains that the bribes had been the main source of financing of the PSI and Italian politics. The corruption that the Democrats were under the table, and ashamed of confessing to church, he did by force and leaving countless tracks. For this was definitely convicted to 5 years and 6 months for corruption (bribes Eni Sai), 4 years and 6 months for illegal financing (bribes Metropolitana Milanese). And note that other processes were extinguished "for the death of the accused, including three with convictions on appeal to three years for the maxi-tangent Enimont (illicit financing) 5 anni e 5 mesi per le tangenti Enel (corruzione), 5 anni e 9 mesi per il conto Protezione (bancarotta fraudolenta B. Ambrosiano), come ricordano giustamente i giornali .
In tempi di liberalismo nascente, nella cara Italietta, sarebbe bastato uno solo di questi fatti a determinare le dimissioni e la damnatio memoriae del politico. Lui, no, aveva anche la pervicacia, l’alterigia di considerarsi nel giusto, proprio mentre rappresentava al massimo livello l’Italia della corruzione politica e del malgoverno.
Altro che statista; fu il sinbolo di un’Italia sbagliata che vorremmo dimenticare, fondata sulla prepotenza e arroganza del Potere, sulle raccomandazioni dei mediocri, sulle tangenti, on the waste of the wealth of all parties on churches seen as omnipotent. All things illiberal. The
devote even a road, now is not denied to anyone, including the most brutal dictators like Stalin and Lenin, but who was this really Craxi we liberals can not forget. Via
Craxi? Not only that, but also via the craxismo, and forever, from Italian politics.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

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Islam, never integrated into liberal states. Why should it be different in Italy?

Interviewed this morning on Radio Three Star Gianantonio by journalist, political scientist Giovanni Sartori Florentine explained his thoughts on the reception and the granting of citizenship to immigrants. We caught only a few steps, but we think that pragmatically Sartori distinguishes between immigrants who accept the system constitutional, legal and civil-liberal democratic, based inter alia on the separation of church and state, and immigrants who, like many Muslims, do not accept it. It stands out well, both by the xenophobic ultra right (hypocritically, to get the votes of more conservative voters, they say they do not want to enter, let alone the recognition of immigrants, but then secretly require as entrepreneurs in search of labor low cost) and the nonconformist "politically correct" of the Left which simply repeat the well-known statements of principle such as equality and freedom, regardless of future sociological and psychological consequences, and even of cultural, anthropological religious and yet described.
All ethnic groups have equal dignity, of course. And all immigrants, provided they respect the rules and do their constitutional, legal and civil co-existence of liberal democracies, in due time are entitled to be recognized as citizens of Italian, French, English or German. He believes this blog.
But we are not blind, and look for decades the anthropological reality and the record. It 's a matter of incontrovertible fact that in any liberal democracy, with the possible exception of the United States, Muslim immigrants are actually placed culturally and socially, for example by accepting public the total separation of church and state (the famous inaugural speech of John F. Kennedy, who promised to be a Catholic president, but president of all), reserving all'intimitù of conscience or religious precepts of Islam's house, help loving how do you impose on all Islamic countries, no of which it is a democracy, much less liberal. Outside the U.S., however, almost never this entry occurred. Why should happen in Italy, what did not happen in countries with more liberal immigration experience?
There must be something, then, is in the way of emigration and the type of U.S. society, both in the Islamic religion, which could explain the phenomenon. By confining the second factor, of course Islam is not only a religion, and still goes beyond a mere spiritual element. The fact remains that led over the centuries, and especially in recent years, as aggressive, the "conquest", or even violence against other religions and against civil institutions. Fortunately in a few cases, this violence was high grade, but that does not lessen the danger, because even just one episode to have a massacre.
the thorny issue of granting citizenship to Islamic Sartori had written an editorial in Corriere della Sera on 20 December:
"In the short term, the Chamber will rule on the citizenship and then, also, on 'Italianization "of those who, for better or worse, you get married in our home," began the writing of Sartor. "The issue is fought, as a rule, with blows of injuries, in the key of" racism ". I say, more calmly, that he who does not like the stranger is a stranger who feels "xenophobic", while those who like it is a "xenophiles. And that there 'is nothing inherently wrong with either of the two reactions. Who is more averse 's immigration has always been the league, but at the time, in 2002, Fini also signed with Bossi, a very restrictive law. Now, however, Fini has become an enthusiastic supporter of 'Italianization fast. Who knows why. Fini is a tactical e il suo dire è "asciutto": troppo asciutto per chi vorrebbe capire. Ma a parte questa giravolta, il fronte è da tempo lo stesso. Berlusconi appoggia Bossi (per esserne appoggiato in contraccambio nelle cose che lo interessano). Invece il fronte "accogliente" è costituito dalla Chiesa e dalla sinistra. La Chiesa deve essere, si sa, misericordiosa, mentre la xenofilia della sinistra è soltanto un "politicamente corretto" che finora è restato male approfondito e spiegato. Due premesse. Primo, che la questione non è tra bianchi, neri e gialli, non è sul colore della pelle, ma invece sulla "integrabilità" dell' islamico. Secondo, che a fini pratici (il da fare ora e qui) non serve leggere il Corano ma imparare dall' esperienza. La domanda è allora se la storia ci racconti di casi, dal 630 d.C. in poi, di integrazione degli islamici, o comunque di una loro riuscita incorporazione etico-politica (nei valori del sistema politico), in società non islamiche. La risposta è sconfortante: no. Il caso esemplare è l' India, dove le armate di Allah si affacciarono agli inizi del 1500, insediarono l' impero dei Moghul, e per due secoli dominarono l' intero Paese. Si avverta: gli indiani "indigeni" sono buddisti e quindi paciosi, pacifici; e la maggioranza è indù, e cioè politeista capace di accogliere nel suo pantheon di divinità persino un Maometto. Eppure quando gli inglesi abbandonarono l' India dovettero inventare il Pakistan, so that five centuries of coexistence in surly end up in a sea of \u200b\u200bblood. I know, s' means, other cases and variations, from Indonesia to Turkey. All cases show a return to greater Islamization, and not (as was hoped at least for Turkey) 's coming of a Muslim population that accepts the secular state. We come to Europe '. England and France have agreed to fund the problem, yet find themselves with a third generation of young Muslims Torque tube loose more fervent than ever. The surprising fact that Chinese, Japanese, Indians, marry without problems in 'the West while maintaining their respective cultural and religious identities. But - herein lies the difference - the 'Islam is a religion home, is a rather invasive theocratic monotheism that after a long stagnation it has awakened and is increasingly inflamed. Illusion to integrate italianised - Sartori concluded - is a huge risk by inexperienced, do not risk a risk. "