Tuesday, March 30, 2010

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La Bonino? Quasi più forte di Dio. Solo un rosario di massa l’ha battuta e di poco

now be explained. There Yesterday we wondered how that could happen that the candidate most intelligent, modern, efficient, expert and even bipartisan Italian regional elections, Emma Bonino, was beaten, albeit for very little, a dull and meaningless Polverini, in politics mulier or foemina nova (eh, but we must find the corresponding female homines novi ...), so manfully determined what - excuse me - vague programs, and language and political concepts, like, a bit 'down to earth . All
have thought the paw protector usual Berlusconi, who is a bit 'Blue Rider' complaints of detergent and a bit 'Wizard Zurlo becomes a magic wand in a pumpkin princess beautiful and intelligent. In fact, in Italy we have seen that in any liberal democracy of the West could never see, if not at the price of the resignation: the head of government in the person who gives clear guidance to voters, on TV, and again on how and why to vote for a symbol (the red Polverini, housewives and retired people who never would have recognized), because the one with the name "Berlusconi was not submitted on time.
But now we find that there's more, much more, and will be much, much higher.
An extraordinary event, which arises directly from the supernal rooms of Paradise (o degli Inferi, non siamo così esperti di geografia del Potere Divino), ha trasformato di colpo in vittoriosa una sfigatissima candidata battuta, ancor prima di presentarsi davanti agli elettori, ben otto volte da tutte le magistrature di ogni ordine e grado. Insomma, non vale, prodigio fu, mizzica . Adesso le elezioni vanno rifatte, per la evidente parzialitò dell'Arbitro.
La preghiera, se non "arma di distruzione di massa", almeno "guerra simbolica" o "continuazione della politica con altri mezzi". Ma allora, scusate, aveva ragione Cavour quando ripeteva che con i preti (e assimilati) non si può fare politica, perché per un nonnulla ricorrono subito a Dio.
Noi scherziamo, ma a confessare use "controversial" and the instrumental of the rosary is a serious statement of Fabio Bernabei, Chairman of the Cultural Center of the Catholic ultra-traditionalist Lepanto, whose symbol is a crusader with a lot of long, sharp sword, and, relying not a suffering Christ on the Cross and uimiliato, but at a Christ the King and imagine a little 'warrior. But let the word nostalgic to the Battle of Lepanto:
"The first statement of the candidate of the center-hot Polverini - begins the press - was:" My victory? A miracle " (Corriere della Sera, March 29, 2010, ed. Online) soon as the data of the examination have sealed his election victory after a long head to head with the radical Emma Bonino considered safe until then won the regional elections in Lazio.
"A miracle is in effect - continues Bernabei - one that all participants in the Rosary Crusade launched by the Centro Culturale Lepanto asked the Mother of God pray that the City of Rome, and with it the Holy See, was saved from falling under the government of one of the leading exponents of anti-radical.
"Many friends and supporters of Lepanto responded to our earlier appeal with the recitation of the rosary for this intention in every corner of Italy.
"Lepanto executives gathered in Rome for a common prayer and they did Basilica of Sant'Andrea delle Frate, just before the altar of Our Lady of the Miracle.
"Here is the news reported the event as the national edition of The Messenger in an article on the role played by Catholics in this sensitive election:
" In the church of Sant'Andrea delle Frate, in front of Our Lady of the Miracle just where the Virgin Mary appeared to Alfonso Ratisbonne in 1842, converting a group of ultras Catholics gathered to pray a rosary election.
"Let us pray for the defeat of Emma Bonino, the dreaded anti-abortion by the ecclesiastical hierarchy that is doing poorly even sleep Cardinal Bagnasco.
" The convocation Email Group Lepanto was clear: "Let us unite to pray the rosary with the intention of preventing the city of Rome, the seat of the Chair of St. Peter's, fall under a regional government controlled by radical anti-clerical leader in Italy, Emma Bonino, as well as for his conversion. "
"So the leaders of Lepanto, - continues the coverage of the Vatican note Giansoldati Franca - the fourth Friday of Lent, found themselves in front of the miraculous icon in an attempt to curb, with the power of prayer, the victory of what they call the "champion of relativism."
"At the polls closed, with final results in hand, now it is clear that the massive mobilization a large part of the Catholic world, the most structured, has proven to work once again ultra 'of the Centre who have called the Rosary Lepanto anti-Bonino will surely be satisfied. Now they can hope for a conversion. " (Messenger, March 30, 2010).
" After this further great grace, in fact - the statement concludes the Centre Lepanto - we must continue to hope and pray that anti-clerical and anti-prohibitionists around the world convert and to finally know and love the Risen Christ in the Church is the Mystical Body and the Supreme Pontiff, the Vicar on earth. "

Monday, March 22, 2010

Poptropica Games To Play On The Computer

Verifica dell'obbligo della PEC

E-mail certified professionals is put under the lens of inspectors of the Minister Renato Brunetta. Palazzo Vidoni has started a patient monitoring orders and colleges to verify in che modo è stato seguito l'obbligo di diffusione della PEC.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Things For Wedding Card

Il laico Luigi Cascioli, lo studioso che ha dimostrato che Gesù non è mai esistito

" History has taught us how to have benefited the story about Christ "(Historia docuit iuvasse quantum nos illa de Christo fabula ), wrote Pope Leo X in a letter to Luigi, brother of Cardinal Bembo.
Well, a really unusual is christologist has made up his mind to understand and explain the Scriptures only according to logic, reason, intelligence.
He studied for decades on the basis of all possible documents and a compelling rationale than was true that cynical phrase papal . And he revealed the tampering of texts, the replacement of historical figures, the sheer invention and all kinds of tricks behind the creation of the historical figure Jesus
Quest’uomo è Luigi Cascioli, nato a Bagnoregio (Viterbo) nel 1934, bella figura di uomo onesto, idealista, laico, libero pensatore e anticlericale, scomparso ieri a Roccalvecce all’età di 76 anni.
Il suo libro “La favola di Cristo”, bel dono che ci lascia in eredità, è l’unico che dimostra effettivamente, con centinaia di documenti, compresi i manuscritti di Kimberth Qumran (1947) e le cronache di Giuseppe Flavio, Filone Alessandrino, Plinio il Vecchio e altri, che tale personaggio non è mai esistito. Fu inventato a posteriori dai Padri di una Chiesa ormai dominante che non aveva più motivo per essere insieme rivoluzionaria e spiritualista, ma aveva bisogno di un mito più "Land", a character in the flesh to feed the faithful, and even of a hero "feel-good" and non-violent. According to the reconstruction of Cascioli, it had, therefore, create from scratch a "God on Earth", tailored birth a plausible - though miraculous, adventurous and too much like those of many other Gods-nearly-men of the time - effective counterpart to "God in heaven" that had been successful. It appears that before this "creation" Biography, Jesus had been proposed as "descended from heaven at the age of 30 years." The wise Christians they provided, so to create from scratch, but also to adapt, interpolating and falsifying documents already in existence.

It turns out that the figure of Jesus "invented" - the reconstruction of Luigi Cascioli - coincides dramatically with John of Gamala (village of the region of the Golan), the son of Judas the Galilean and the grandson of Rabbi Hezekiah in turn a descendant of the Hasmonean family founded by Simon, son of Matthias the Maccabee.

What is shocked that it was a Nazarite, but not in the sense that he would like the Church (inhabitant of Nazareth), but in the meaning of the term: a revolutionary, then a violent. The disciples tried to followed to derive the name from Nazareth - is the accusation - to muddy the waters. But the Gospels we see that Nazareth is on top of a mountain and near the Lake of Tiberias, Nazareth, while the real is in the hills and is forty kilometers from the lake. And the city of Gamala corresponds perfectly to the Gospel description strangely escaped censure lexical and official approval of the Gospels. So this

John of Gamala aka Jesus - according to the strict reconstruction of Cascioli - was a fanatical revolutionary gang leader of the Zealots, the Essenes neighbors (those rolls of Qumran), a sort of Jewish armed bandits (today we call them terrorists) that mercilessly killed women and children, and opposed to Roman rule in all half. The disciples were in reality the gang leaders of the political-military movement. The aim was clearly to drive out the Romans and establish a kingdom of Israel with a king as head of the faction zealot, that is Christ himself. Not by chance ironically defined by the Roman soldiers "Judeorum Rex." In reality he was a pretender, a candidate for United.

Despite the complaints, telling other tracks remained in error in the Gospels. Like the episode of "disciples" with swords all'Orto of Gethsemane, so non-violent that one of them cut cleanly through an ear to a soldier. Of course, they were also strongly opposed by the Jews. They practiced baptism (John Baptist), communion property and lived according to monastic rituals under the guidance of Nazir or Nazarites or Nazarenes. We are in the period of the Jewish War.
On the other hand, everything goes back historically, the father of John of Gamala-Jesus was Judas the Galilean, real character jew mentioned by the historian Josephus (who does not mention Jesus), founder of the rebel zealot, who was killed during a riot anti-Roman. And John-Jesus, what a coincidence, three brothers named James, Simon and Kefas (ie Peter) as the major apostles. John of Gamala formed an armed gang with them in revolt against the Roman occupation. The apostles were in fact of the guerrillas, and acolytes of the Zealot movement called band of Boanerges. What's more, Judas Iscariot derives its name from assassin, while Simon zealot zealot denounce the membership of the sect. The Romans gave
soldiers hunt them down, but they gladly faced the gallows or the cross in the certainty of having as a reward after death eternal life of bliss, a bit 'as today's Islamic terrorists. Until that John-the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus was captured and crucified.
Many riots and violent actions organized the early Christians in Rome, where according to Roman historians were regarded as revolutionary bandits. But, as happens to all revolutionaries, decades later, once in power, were of the same stock Church that obliterated any reference to embarrassing and violent revolutionary origins of their movement.
"After the evidence provided by the" Fable of Christ "on the non-existence of Jesus, how can you still believe that the stories reported on the Gospels, full of contradictions and coarseness, are the biography of a historical figure? Following a lot of blind faith Christians prefer to emphasize the symbolism contained in the texts. [And perhaps the same Pope Leo X was among those mentioned above. ed.] But if everything is symbolic - concludes Robyn Johannes, president of the Union of Atheists of France - what then is the character? " A character of God, we add, from whose name comes the word and the success of Christianity.
effective complement to the work of Cascioli seemed the reconstruction Marco Guido Corsini, that it would be founded the Egyptian origin of the self-styled Messiah capopopolo.
The Catholic Church, in response, argues that there are no reliable historical sources on John of Gamala, and therefore opposed to the "fable of Christ" is the "tale of Cascioli.
As for the book "The Fable of Christ," you can add that it is very exciting, chained as a "yellow" historical "science" and proves to be a mine of information linked impressive. A real puzzle in which various tasselli vanno a inastrarsi in modo apparentemente perfetto. Se ne consiglia la lettura. Può essere acquistato presso la famiglia dell’ autore , insieme agli altri suoi libri.
Il giorno dopo la scomparsa di Luigi Cascioli, riteniamo che questo ricordo possa essere l’omaggio più giusto a lui dovuto. Fu un grande uomo. Grazie alla sua tenacia, al rigore razionale, e all’erudizione di questo studioso coraggioso, profondo conoscitore dei testi dei Vangeli e della Bibbia, che proprio lui ha dimostrato essere stata scritta in tempi molto più recenti di quanto racconta la leggenda. A lui va il nostro ricordo e la nostra ammirazione.
di Peter Boom .
Luigi Cascioli, nato il 16 febbraio 1934 a Bagnoregio (VT) è deceduto ieri nella sua casa di Roccalvecce (VT), e con lui abbiamo perso un appassionato ed erudito storico, specializzato soprattutto nel primo periodo cristiano.
Aveva scritto e pubblicato tre libri "La favola di Cristo" (inconfutabile dimostrazione della non esistenza di Gesù), "La morte di Cristo" e "La statua nel viale", dei quali sono stati stampati versioni in diverse lingue.
Attraverso approfonditi studi aveva dimostrato che Cristo non era mai esistito ed aveva a proposito denunciato la Chiesa Cattolica, nella persona di Don Enrico Righi, parroco-rettore ex.Diocesi of Bagnoregio for abuse of popular credulity (Art. 661 CP) and substitution of person (Art. 494 CP).
atheist, Luigi Cascioli (http://www.luigicascioli.eu) had wanted to attack Christianity with this complaint against the Catholic Church, an advocate of a sham built on false documents, such as the Bible and the Gospels, which had imposed with the violence of the Inquisition and the plagiarism obtained by the exorcism, Satanism and other superstitions. Lately Luigi Cascioli was preparing a new book on Fatima, whom he called another big financial-fraud superstitious.
Luigi Cascioli, a brave man, down to the breach to disclose your ideas, His historical thesis, which will be discussed for a long time. The Freethought
flies far beyond earthly death and this knowledge gives us the strength to expose more and with an open mind and the utmost honesty of our ideas. We have no dogmas, and we all know they can make mistakes, but we are convinced that we can harness our thoughts. This was a great witness of the philosopher Giordano Bruno, sacrificed after excruciating torture at the stake by the Catholic Church. Today the fire or the death penalty, at least in the countries of Western civilization hardly exists anymore, but other methods to stop the pernicious Freethought persist, blocking information on certain ideas, the result of extensive studies, such as Luigi Cascioli on non-existence of Jesus

PHOTOS. The christologist Luigi Cascioli at a conference in Venice last year.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Look Inside A Vergina

L’intelligenza di Pannunzio, liberale coraggioso, creatore di idee e grandi giornali

who believes that a liberal should not be bold and unconventional, and indeed rationality, critical sense and balance that would result ultimately in a moderation of intelligence - as happens with shame that too many conservatives today call themselves "liberal" - did not understand anything of liberalism, nor Cavour and Pannunzio.
juxtapose them with good reason, and not just because Pannunzio kept behind the desk a portrait of the patron lari di Cavour as do Parri. But because they had much in common, including a short and intense life that left them little after 50 years, the courage and boundless imagination, versatility and pragmatism, and above all liberalism as the reason for living, nourished not by selfishness personal interests or petty and paltry views of society and the economy, but of high ideals and strict ethical, open to all new rights of freedom, real reform, social altruism, respect for the picky "rules."
And both, Cavour and Pannunzio, though officially the moderates, with intelligence risky and reckless, not at all moderate, created and spread new ideas, original formula ideological and political programs, scenarios, and innovative papers. And for this both pleased to many, many, the most intelligent and open, but displeased with its modernity and the thought of such "European", not very Italian, with many provinces of our country, even self-styled "liberals", with the well-known municipal stupidity that we carry with us from the Middle Ages.
And both were born exactly 100 years later, in 1810 Cavour, Pannunzio in 1910. And deep down, in hindsight, were the first and last member of the Risorgimento. So
seems happy intuition Pannunzio Centre in Turin to celebrate in a year that in addition to the centenary of the birth di Pannunzio (nato il 5 marzo) vede anche il bicentenario di Cavour (10 agosto), vero e unico geniale Padre della Patria che fece 150 anni fa, quasi da solo, per la Nuova Italia quello che ancora o perfino oggi - scusate il paradosso - non sarebbe possibile fare.
Due modelli esemplari, Pannunzio e Cavour, del vero essere, pensare e soprattutto "fare" liberale, che domani, martedì 9 marzo, alle ore 17,30 nell’Aula Magna dell’Università di Torino saranno al centro d’un importante convegno organizzato dal Centro Pannunzio (istituto di cultura fondato da Arrigo Olivetti e Mario Soldati nel 1968) sul tema "Pannunzio, il Risorgimento, Cavour", con l’alto patronato del Presidente della Repubblica.
On this occasion, the Italian Post Office has printed a commemorative stamp of Mario Pannunzio (see picture), with a special postmark in post offices and Lucca, his birthplace. Pending
of celebrations for the 150th anniversary of Cavour and the Unification of Italy, the figure of Mario Pannunzio, unfairly regarded by some merely "a great newspaper editor," deserves this memory.
Great newspaper editor, of course, but most original political (among other things was one of the founders of the Liberal Party and then the Italian Radical Party), a man of great culture and great versatility, with an uncommon sense of ethics and aesthetics , Pannunzio proved that to be liberal (And real liberals, not conservatives mediocre, like many today are in fact) is also to be full of creativity, insight and elegance, that is intelligence. A model for us all.
A man, then, complex personality and many interests. Not like some who do not know anything in life to throw themselves in politics or journalism, because in these two areas in Italy there are no filters on if you have any recommendations. Along with anti-Italian and Italian, lazy lover of convenience, but need to feverishly active and unstinting, bon-vivant, frequenter of coffee and aesthetics, but as the usual Italian windbag, inconclusive and ready for anything - Franza, or Spain, as long as magna - but as a strict Anglo-Saxon, a perfectionist, an idealist and activist, a lover of pleasure but with some of the highest moral rectitude, in short, if anything, the dough of Salvemini, the Einaudi, of Ernesto Rossi, of Cavour. After that, well let's give him the label of versatile amateur of genius, but not wrong with the irony that you bring some Italian.
Who knows how to see, read but not enough to look at old copies of World Pannunzio was to show that Anglo-Saxon. That typeface with "thank you" very broad and black square, then spent most of the typical character for "rational" and then "liberal" in the center of the cylinder head design graphic unusual in Italy, the use of white space and large picture, not always related to the article, but often themselves products of counterpoint, and finally, the pragmatic approach of different authors and different view in a continuous dialogue, while within the confines of the liberal. The best week that Italy has ever had, as well as the liberal Risorgimento was by all accounts, even their opponents, the best political newspaper. The
kalos kai Agathos , the good thing is, they were inherent to his personality. After all was quiet when the director took the fall of Fascism - coincidentally, at the right place - in a newspaper. It was he who draw in the Italian just revived after the fall of fascism, the first announcement of Messenger "free", a statement from the rest super cross, at the time when even liberals who were not cross at least knew how to write press releases. So he changed his life: he left the crank of the camera and created the most beautiful quotifiano party ever seen in Italy. Then would come the
World (1949), the weekly or rather the "center-studies" of real, new, new heir of the Risorgimento Italy, founded on secularism, liberal reforms, dignity, Europe, the science, extension rights and freedoms to the new emerging classes, on overcoming the political barriers false justifying illiberal already a bipolarity: on the one hand, the Christian Democrats (in fact, often clerical-fascists) and the other communists infiltrated the Soviet Union. With liberals, Republicans, Social Democrats, and radical post-shareholders, divided by obtusely wrong positions (think of the alliance with the everyman PLI), quarrelsome, intimidated, runners, one against the other tanks, instead of doing common front.
More than any other party, the "party" of the World hit left and right on the foul corporatism "Italian society," sulle speculazioni dei "palazzinari", la corruzione del boom economico, la distruzione dell'ambiente (Cederna), l'equivoco sottoculturale e provinciale del "conservatorismo" verniciato di finto iberalismo, sulla Sinistra estrema spacciata per "progresso" e "libertà", sulla sintesi tra le varie anime della tradizione liberale, da Croce a Einaudi, l'azionismo e il radicalismo democratico, da Rossi a Salvemini.
Una sintesi che riuscì solo a Pannunzio, non solo sul piano giornalistico ma anche ideologico e culturale, prova che il Mondo e il suo direttore non erano scatole vuote, empty boxes , come i giornali fatui, buonisti perché opportunisti di oggi, pronti a cambiare articolo e tesi behest of the political advertising or on duty, but had strong ideas, open horizons, vast knowledge, powerful intellect, and the means of communication psychology usually lacking in the Italy of the Counter Reformation, albeit self-styled "liberal".
But it was the opening to the costume, ideas and the best European and American culture, including music and cinema, as evidenced by the great names of Italian and foreign employees (including Ennio Flaiano, born the same day and same year Pannunzio of, and he is very similar to some sections), the items of correspondence sent and, in addition to the famous "Meeting of the World", to make the World the latest Italian newspaper and most prestigious, although certainly not the biggest.
And so, today are pathetic, even provocative, attempts by the Right and Left, and even some conservative clerical at the time of World would read some of his editorials and comments with open annoyance, to grab the embalmed remains of ' single man of genius who gave the publishing policy in Italy.
IMAGES. 1. The first issue of The Weekly World. 2. The stamp commemorating Pannunzio.