Sunday, November 30, 2008

Weak Bladder More Condition_treatment

Assembly on Friday 28

I do not want a summary of the evening, I wish they were many of those who lived to tell about it, but the meaning, mood, we breathed in the end, despite the smiles, was on Friday 13. I still think that is not possible to move in a political sense, to the dialogue at the national level. I think the only option we have is to understand and continue to say, our thinking, both in defense of democracy (television) and in defense of our children (physical ones, the ones that we know everything and not just the name), local .
Clusone mayor has the political duty, as well as human and civil, to organize the meeting called by the official protocol. I personally am tired of arrogance when you exchange a guilty conscience.
are also tired that he defends a law so only for deployment to political supporters.
to you.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Easy Bruising More Condition_symptoms

turin A 17 year old dies in class. 6 out of 10 schools are at risk. And Clusone?

The collapse of the roof of the school of Tivoli (Torino) caused the death of a 17 year old boy and seriously injured four other.
There is a map of the structural condition and safety of over 40,000 school buildings in Italy. (Corriere della Sera: )

surprised that rather than bringing attention to the safety of children and young people, you think to increase the number of learners in a class, even if built with different security parameters. A
Clusone, for example, speaks with pride of the completion of a wing of the school, but when we asked that the alderman security parameters were determining the number of students in the classroom, we saw the loss councilor who was unprepared to respond.
And in other schools in other municipalities, as there are parents who are worried their children? How the authorities respond? How many years provided that the authorities or provide?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fotos Patricia Manterola

Summary (in protocol) meeting with the Minister of Education of the City of Clusone

On 11.17.2008 took place the meeting between the group of parents to public education and Alderman M. Tanza. The objective of the meeting was
all'amministtrazione express our discomfort because of the cuts that the school will suffer because of the new law, and at the same time to know what (if any) actions that the City pour support.
nell'assessore We found a kind of wait state, and disorientation caused by lack of knowledge of the decrees (not yet arrived). ".... It's difficult to answer accurately, but nevertheless, the cuts envisaged, certainly entail cost increases that are now borne by the municipality and therefore the local community. "
In particular he noted that it is likely that transport from suffering an outlay of not less than € 10,000.00. While
to limit the increase in nursery fees are provided for contributions of about 20,000, 00 €.
We wanted to ask the commissioner so decided to ask for clarification to institutions responsible for the reduction in time and integration of the training project.
alderman were asked to organize a meeting with colleagues and Piario Villa D'Ogna because they too can know the feelings of many citizens.
has stated explicitly that our intervention will continue to defend our children, in the scrutiny of the councilor and the city council.
He asked for a next meeting with the City Council the right to speak to a sales representative for an interpellation to the public. Given the clear availability
councilor for the Council in the issues raised during the meeting we request that this is registered and which remains on record.

This document is presented in the secretariat, stamped and returned copies.
is asked specifically to be delivered to the relevant departments, as well as the Mayor, some in a fast availability. Any silence or unavailable at the meeting will be understood as a lack of interest from the comparison with the public administration, as well as a statement that the future training of small clusonesi is not a political, human, social setting in which to invest.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

West Coast Chopper Clothing

Playing in the TG of PiùValliTv

will air during the evening news (at 18.50) Sunday, November 16, interview with one of us. Our readers and has the opportunity to follow the interview, you will notice that the protest and the malaise is moved by the Minister for the political class, especially that of the territory which shows indifference to the call of the citizens and the state agree that the savings be transferred en bloc on the territory and families.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Straming Mario Salieri

The reason for a no decision to single teacher

is the professional contribution of Tiziana Franceschini developmental psychologist.
To assess the relevance of the proposed return to the single teacher is helpful to frame the situation from the perspective of a child six years ago his entry to school. How
clinical advice is often to have children in this age, because the gap in primary school is a time of great change and, therefore, vulnerability. The developmental challenge facing the child is to leave the family and deal with this microcosm that is school, a mirror of society.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pityriasis Rosea Forums


The meeting with the Assessor will be at the 'Council Chamber in City Hall Clusone always at 20.30 on Monday 17 November and NOT at the primary school auditorium.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

West Coast Chopper Clothes

Monday, 17, first met at 20.30 with the City of Clusone

E 'set for Monday 17 at 20.30 in the auditorium of the elementary school (primary), the meeting with the Minister of Education Sig. Tanza. Conosceremo così quali sono le preoccupazioni / scelte / risorse del nostro Comune. Si chiede la partecipazione di noi tutti .

Friday, November 7, 2008

D2nt How To Configure

The law does not change, but here's the go-ahead to the exceptions.

Da oggi è iniziato il valzer delle eccezioni di legge, una strada che porterà ad un mare di sprechi e contro sprechi, ma per il governo pare sia meglio che confrontarsi. E' di oggi la notizia che a Mantova la chiusura prevista per 9 scuole elementari (primarie) è stata sospesa per un anno.
Ecco il link dell'articolo da "Gazzetta di Mantova".

Doujinshivegeta Bulma

We interview the TG of 19.20 hours Antenna2

Un genitore del gruppo è stato intervistato presso gli studi Antenna2 of a brief intervention in the first evening newscast to say about our concern. We believe that the message is passed to transversality, calmness and exploring possible solutions.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Now we do: We meet mini summary

Excellent summary intervention from the previous post we publish on the home:
Tuesday, October 4 were less than last time but we managed to put in the same site a large number of actions in order not to turn our voice
  • interview with Antenna 2
  • ARABERARA to advertise a listing on this BLOG;
  • A press release to be delivered at Comprehensive School, signaling the local newspaper and radio blog and also inviting those who have an opinion opposed to writing.
  • an open letter (annotated and prepared in a jiffy, by a process in my humble opinion, really effective and democratic) to be delivered by hand delivery to Tanza Mario, commissioner for education, sports, transportation of the City of Clusone ( just to put our administrators with choices from which they can not exempt);
  • the decision to involve, through personal contacts, all the local politicians in order to obtain their views, and they know ours.
may sound little, but we hope that things might change or that it continues to be able to give an opinion without being accused of anyone.
As always ... to you.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Patron Saint Of Anemia

Tuesday 4 20.30

we meet again next Tuesday in the auditorium of the elementary school to see if we were able to grow in number or more ...
hope we do not have to waste another hour for the pressure (or whims) of a member of the school board would be a shame and more useless.
We would like to see us in the right spirit, with the aim of being able to tell what is the school of the Gelmini Law, which the school and we would like.
at 20.30.